11- Alyssa

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*text message*

Alyssa: Hey Charles I was wondering if you wanted to meet up today and hang out?

Charles: Hey Alyssa of course. When did you want to hang out?

Alyssa: How about tomorrow around 12:30 you can come to my place.

Charles: Alright sounds good see you tomorrow

*end of text message*

*skip to next morning*

I'm nervous because today is the day where I have the conversation with Charles about what we are. Today can go really well or really poorly. If it goes well that is good because then I can consider introducing him to Wes. I don't want to introduce someone to Wes just to have them walk out of our lives especially since Wes hasn't had a father figure before. Arthur knows about Wes so he's the closest father figure that Wes has. However, if I do date Charles I would hope that he and Wes establish a strong relationship. It was finally 12:30 and I heard my apartment doorbell ring. I got up and answered the door. When I opened the door I saw Charles standing there. Charles walked into the apartment and grabbed my hand as he walked in. I led him to the couch and sat down next to him. We sat down and our hands were still together. I looked down at our connected hands and played with the rings on Charles' right hand. I didn't know how to start the conversation, but I knew I needed to be the one to start talking. "Okay Charles this is a long story. "Okay Charles this is a long story and it's a difficult story for me to share so bare with me. My last relationship wasn't healthy. He was abusive mentally, emotionally, and physically. Throughout the entire relationship I was belittled and used. The worst of it came when he r@ped me. After he did I wound up becoming pregnant. I decided to maintain the pregnancy and I now have the most amazing son in the world. His name is Wes and he's three years old." After I told the story I looked up and I saw that Charles had tears rolling down his face and he also had a look of anger. I continued playing with his rings while waiting for him to say something. Finally after what felt like an eternity Charles spoke up. "Adrienne, that's horrible. I'm so sorry you went through that, but I am happy you trusted me enough to tell me this. If you're comfortable with introducing me to Wes I would love to be able to get to know him. Also, I just have one question. Does Arthur know about Wes?" I just nodded at Charles. He didn't look shocked, but the look he gave me was one of understanding.

At first I was hesitant about telling Charles about Wes, but after his reaction I'm glad I did. I decided to text Arthur and let him know he can bring Wes back home if he wants. I got a reply back from Arthur letting me know that he is bringing Wes back since he missed me. It only took a couple of minutes since our apartments are on the same road just a couple of buildings apart. I heard a knock on my door and heard Wes' voice, "Uncle Art hurry up I wanna see mommy." After Wes said that to Arthur I heard him chuckling. I quickly opened the door and Wes ran to hug me. I didn't notice that Charles had gotten up and came towards the door. After I let go of the hug with Wes I hugged Arthur. When I did Arthur whispered, "I'm assuming you told him about Wes." I nodded my head slightly while still in the hug. We finally pulled away and said goodnight. Once Arthur left Wes noticed Charles standing close to us. Wes looked at me with his cute confused look and asked, "mommy who's this?" I took Wes in my arms, turned Charles and introduced them to each other. "Wes this is Charles he's my friend and Uncle Art's brother." Wes had a smile on his face and shyly spoke, "hi do you also drive fast cars like Uncle Art?" Charles looked at Wes and replied "yes I do bud." Once they got that conversation out of the way Wes tried to wiggle out of my arms. I put him down and when I did he went up to Charles and gave him a hug. I'm shocked, but ecstatic with how quickly they're getting along. I think this introduction was made easier by the fact that Arthur and Charles are related which has allowed Wes to feel safe with Charles since Arthur treats him so well.

It was close to Wes' bedtime so it was time to get him ready for bed. "Wes, buddy it's time to start getting ready for bed." He looked at me with his puppy dog face, "mommy I don't want to go to bed, but I know I have to so can Charles come and help me get ready for bed." I turned to Charles with a questioning look and Charles softly nodded his head as a way to say yes. Charles carried Wes in his arms while I led the way. We brushed his teeth, changed his pajamas, tucked him in and read him a bed time story. With how this night was going I hope the relationship between us three continued like this, but I'm also worried that it's too good to be true since we're moving kind of quickly. If it is too good to be true it's not only my heart on the line, but Wes' heart as well so now I have to be even more cautious with whatever this relationship with Charles is.    

A/n: In the dialogue that includes Wes pretend that what I wrote is how a three year old would say it. 

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