21- Charles

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It's been two days and Lyss still hasn't woken up. Arthur and I both haven't gone home or gotten sleep. These have been the hardest days of our lives. I am with her right now while Arthur went downstairs to grab us food after he took a quick shower. While he was downstairs I was holding her hand and rubbing my thumb on the back of her hand. I thought I was imagining things because I felt her move her hand in mine and also rub my hand. I was so shocked. I didn't move. Lyss slowly opened her eyes and looked around. Once she saw me she opened her eyes all the way. "Charles what happened?" I took a deep breath to calm my own anxiety before explaining to her what happened and why she was in the hospital. "Lyss you went into diabetic ketoacidosis. You didn't have enough insulin since the heat threw off your numbers and your omnipod and dexcom aren't in yet. Your omnipod and dexcom will help make keeping track of your levels easier since you will have it on your phone. This will help you keep track of your levels even when traveling and taking care of Wes. I am having a doctor be ready to come travel with us and I'm telling Andrea and all our close friends so they can help make sure you're okay."

Lyss didn't respond and I can tell she felt guilty for being in the hospital again and making everyone worry about her. As we were sitting in a comfortable silence the doctor walked in to check on Lyss. The doctor was glad to see Lyss awake. The doctor came in just to check everything and all the machines. Lyss was able to come off of some of the machines which were helping her breathe. I am so glad that she was able to come off of these machines and that she looks so much more like herself. This was so scary for me and I feel so bad for Arthur because this was the second time he had to deal with this. He couldn't even be in the hospital with her for an extended period of time. I know he is worried about her, but being in the hospital brought up too many memories from the last time she was here due to Jax. As Lyss got some more rest because she was really tired I decided to text Arthur.

*Text messages*

Charles: hey arthur

Arthur: what is it? is she okay? charles please tell me she is awake

Charles: she is awake, but she fell asleep again because she is exhausted

Arthur: aww okay i'm glad she's okay she scared me to so much

Charles: me too. i don't know what i would've done without her

Arthur: i know that's how i felt when she was in the hospital after Jax. i'll be there soon in about 20 minutes

Charles: okay sounds good

*End text message*

I can't imagine the pain she's going through. All I know though is that I am going to have a doctor with us at all times to make sure Lyss is okay. As I was sitting there and holding her hand she started stirring awake again and as she was Arthur also walked in as well. As soon as Arthur walks in and sees Lyss he walks to her bed and gives her a hug. They end up cuddling along with Wes. They looked so comfortable together. As they were cuddling Wes and Arthur both fell asleep. I know they both needed it so I didn't plan to wake them up. Although Wes and Arthur were asleep Lyss was still awake. She looked at both of them and then to me. I can't tell what she is thinking about, but in my mind I hope she knows that I won't leave her. We continued to hold hands and then she slowly started to drift off back to sleep again. I didn't want to stop her so I made sure she was comfortable in bed. I knew the three of them haven't eaten yet, so I decided to get them some food. Before I left I put a note on the table by the bed and texted both of them so they knew where I was just in case they woke up before I came back.

After I walked out of her room I broke into tears and silent cries. Nobody could tell that I was crying and I want it to be that way. I continued walking to get us food. I decided to go to someplace close to the hospital since the food would be better. I found a quick little place that has Italian food. I ordered Wes penne with marinara sauce, Arthur chicken parmesan with pasta, and Lyss and I a pizza and pasta to share. The food would be ready soon since I ordered it before I left so I could be back to the hospital sooner. I waited at the restaurant for about 10 minutes and then I was finally able to go back. I was nervous leaving Lyss in the hospital because I didn't want something to happen to her while I was gone, but I trusted Arthur to take care of both Wes and Lyss for the short time period that I was gone grabbing food. 

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