19- Charles

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When we arrived at the beach we found a spot in the sand and sat down. I looked at Arthur but gave him some time to sit and think. I didn't want him to be overwhelmed. We both sat on the beach looking out at the ocean and listening to the waves crashing. After five minutes of sitting without talking Arthur finally spoke up."I know I didn't tell you about how I was alone during the time that Alyssa was in the hospital after Matt put her there. I didn't tell you because you were in formula one and I didn't want you to be distracted due to my personal life and drama. You didn't know her and you weren't obligated to be there so I decided to go through that alone which I know wasn't the best choice but it seemed like the right one at the time. She looked horrible connected to all the machines with bruises and casts on. When she was in the hospital I didn't know whether she was going to make it or not and during this time of uncertainty I also found out I was given power of attorney and was stated as Wes' godfather. I was scared too because I didn't know how to raise Wes alone and I didn't want to let Lyss down. Not only was it scary in that moment, but it also reminded me of what you went through with Jules. I know it wasn't smart for me to not say anything but I didn't want to worry you. I'm sorry."

After he finished telling me I understood why he didn't tell me, but what I'm still confused about is how Lyss ended up in this situation and if Arthur was suspicious about what was going on. "Arthur I get why you didn't tell me, but what I'm curious about is how the relationship ended up this abusive and if you had any suspicion that this was going on, but had no physical proof so you didn't want to bring it up." He took a deep breath in and a deep breath out. I can tell with how his posture changed that this part of the story is hard for him to tell. "Matt didn't start off being abusive in fact he was what would be described as the picture perfect boyfriend. He was always super supportive, surprised her with flowers, surprised her at work or made her dinner, but as time went on things slowly started to change. He slowly became more and more jealous of me and the rest of the guys that she was friends with when I was in f3. Since we're so close we would always text, call, facetime and hang out. Matt didn't like that she was close with me and not at his beck and call. Once we hung out and he called her pissed, but he knew she was with me and I think he controlled his anger until she was alone or at home. She just looked scared when on the phone with him. I didn't want her to leave, but she ensured that she would be okay and would call me if anything happened. I called her multiple times, but she didn't pick up. I assumed that she was asleep or busy. After a couple hours of not hearing from her I got more worried. My worst fears came true when I picked up the call that day from the hospital, but it showed as an unknown number. Once I answered the hospital asked if I was Arthur. Once I said I was, they told me what had happened to her. I was shocked. I didn't speak and couldn't move. After I snapped out of my trance I sped to the hospital. Thankfully they let me into her room and be with her the entire time. I took care of Wes and made sure he was safe and fed. It was difficult, but I had to stay strong for Wes and Lyss for when she woke up. During that whole time I was terrified that she wouldn't wake up and I was so grateful and happy when she actually did wake up."

Throughout the whole story I got more shocked and gained more admiration for Lyss. Arthur finally looked up at me and he had tears in his eyes. I didn't know what to say so I just gave him a hug. 

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