013 •The Reveal Of The Magic Trick

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"Sorry, but no one can enter or exit the opera house at the moment. If you wish to leave, you must register your identity with us first." The human-animal person named Tristane said. "Ah, no, we're not leaving... we're representing Lyney and Lynette as Attorneys so we're investigating the case." Paimon quickly said. "Were you always guarding this entrance?" She asked. "Yes, after the Chief Justice gave the order, everyone coming in or out must undergo a strict inspection." Tristane answered. "So the missing girl couldn't have left from here - at least not from that point on." She added. "What about during the show?" Aether asked. "I doubt there was much opportunity then, either." Tristane answered. Paimon asked her how she can be so sure, making Tristane answer that she was in charge of security near the entrance at that time. After some time of explaining and talking the three walked back to Lyney and Lynette.

"Understood, then I will be going with you. Just so you're aware, I will be monitoring your actions and making notes as necessary." The female gard next to Lyney and Lynette said to them. "Very good, thanks for being so agreeable. I'd pull a rose out of my hat as a gift for you, if I could." Lyney said. "You may spare the pleasantries. I'm just doing my job." The gard said.

The three walked over to the two siblings and the gard while Navia came too with the two males next to her. Lynette saw her and immediately got happy aswell as Lyney. "You've arrived. Ah, who's this?" Lynette asked while almost glaring at Navia who was way to near to Y/n for her liking. "Me? I'm Spina di Rosula's guardian angel... If you've got a problem, I've got the firepower." Navia said introducing herself confidently. "Haha, sorry. I got a little carried away there... Call me Navia. I'm a partner of theirs, and will be helping investigate this whole situation." The blond haired female said. "And these are my companions. Would you mind if they join as well?" Navia asked the two siblings. "Fine by me..." Lynette said not liking the idea because she wanted to be with Y/n alone but that's already impossible 'cause of her brother, the gard, Aether and Paimon. "Oh, new helpers? I would be most grateful!" Lyney said. "Well, let's just say we're tagging along... It's not every day that you get to see the secrets behind magic performed on such large scale!" Navia said.

"Hehe, I appreciate your kind interest. Come with me, we'll be heading below stage." The magician said uninterested by Navia. "Huh? Below stage?" Paimon asked confused. "Yes, a world of secrets is hidden beneath this magic box, prepared specifically for this switcheroo trick." Lyney explained. "But before I reveal everything, you should have a look first. Notice anything strange here?" The great magician asked and then went over to the box and opened it. "I'm not trying to be dramatic, remembering the details of a trick will help you understand the methods used to perform it more easily." Lyney said. "Huh. Weren't there balloons and other decorations here? Where did all that go?" Navia asked the magician. "Ah, good eye! That said, you're still far from discovering the answer." Lyney said. "The back of the door isn't the same." Y/n said while looking at it. "Uh... "The back"? You mean the inside of the door? What's different about it? Paimon didn't notice anything..." Paimon questioned. "Haha, very good indeed. I thought you might not be able to catch that, given that you were sitting in the first row." Lyney complimented the h/c haired female. "The back of this door was patterned. Those patterns are now gone, replaced by a smooth wooden board." He explained. "So if you put two and two together, what do you get?" He asked. "There's another box inside this one?"
Y/n said. "Haha, exactly! Alright, let's go. I'll tell you how it works as we head down." Lyney said while smiling at Y/n.

"Oh, so there was a passageway under the magic box!" Paimon said excitedly. "And this passageway linked the two boxes together." Y/n added while looking around the room. "I knew you'd figured figure most of it soon as you saw this place." Lyney once again complimented the h/c haired female. "The two magic boxes are positioned right above the two entrances of the tunnel." He explained and then pointed his hand somewhere. "See this flatbed trolley." The magician asked. "The box with the lucky audience member in it would be shuttled over to the other side using the trolley." He explained. "This trolley can raise and lower, and even rotate, ensuring that the box will face in the right direction." Lynette said. Lyney then began to explain how he was so fast in the other box. After he explained everything the two traveler and their companion began to search for clues in the room.

Well, we've ascertained the state of the crime scene. Let's find a place to sort out our findings once Melus returns. It seems to me that there are several things that don't add up here." Navia said. "Apologies for the wait, Demoiselle." Melus said coming back from where he was. "So what did the Gardes say? Did the criminal escape through the vent?" The blond haired female asked him. "They believe the odds of that are very low, since the vent leads to the opera house's basement." Melus answered. After some seconds of talking about the case Navia, Melus and Silver started to talk about stupid stuff. Y/n went up to Aether and told him she needs to wash her hands so she will be gone for a bit. Aether wanted to go with her but Y/n told him that he should stay here with Paimon. In the end he agreed and Y/n walked away.

Arriving at her destination she stood outside of it and began to think about the information they got when suddenly someone came out of nowhere. "Ah, hello, Y/n." Said the person that came out of nowhere. She looked over to the voice and saw Neuvillette walking over to her. "Oh, hello Neuvillette." Y/n greeted back. "Is everything alright?" The Chief Justice asked her. "Yeah, just thinking. What are you doing here?" The h/c haired asked the male that's now in front of her. "I was gonna go to the opera house and then I saw you. I thought you weren't feeling well so I decided to check up on you." The white haired male answered making the h/c haired female smile at him.

They stared at each other's eyes in silent. Neuvillette looked down on her lips and then back to her eyes. He slowly leaned in while Y/n stood still not backing away. Their lips almost touched- "Y/n!" Yelled a voice suddenly making the two persons that were almost about to kiss jump. The two backed away from each other quickly. Y/n looked to the owner of the voice and saw Aether who was glaring at Neuvillette. "Aether? What are you doing here?" The h/c haired female asked the blond haired male. "I was worried because you took so long." He said while walking over to the two. Neuvillette was disappointed and annoyed that Aether ruined their moment. "I'm gonna go now, bye Y/n." Neuvillette said and then left. Aether went up to Y/n and took her hand. "Why were you two so close?" Aether asked in complete jealousy. Y/n's cheeks became a light shade of red. "Huh, we weren't." She quickly said nervously. Aether knew that was a lie but decided to stay silent and walk back to the incident place.

Paimon saw the two coming and run up to them.
"Y/n! Where were you!" Paimon asked the said female. "I was just washing my hands." The female answered. "You were washing your hands? Why did it take so long... Anyways! You missed out on a lot! We ate macarons while you were gone." Paimon said to the h/c haired female which made Navia come to them. "I saved some for you so no worries." Said the blond haired female with a smile. "Ah, you didn't have to." Y/n said with a small smile. But Navia said that it wouldn't have been fair and then gave the macarons to her. The two traveler and their companion then walked off after saying their goodbye's to the three.

They went to room where they could sleep the night off. In the room was one big bed and one smaller bed. Paimon quickly jumped on it and made herself comfortable on it. Aether looked at Y/n and said that he could sleep on the ground but Y/n insisted that he shouldn't sleep on the ground. In the end they ended up sleeping on the same bed.

The lights were turned off and both bodies were turned away from each other. After some time Aether thought Y/n was asleep so he went closer to her and put his hand on her waist. His face was right really close to her face. The h/c female wasn't asleep so she noticed the hand on her waist. Her breath got caught in her throat while her cheeks lit up. She could feel his breath on her neck. Eventually she got comfortable and fell asleep.

You're mine.

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