007 •Unkown Voice

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After walking all around Fontaine they stopped. "Wow, who could have seen that coming!? The reporter who was barely around for most of the story was the murderer all along!" Paimon yelled shocked. "Hey, don't blurt it out, Paimon." Aether said to the flying child. "It's rude to spoil the mystery for everyone else." Y/n added to Aethers sentence. "Ah, sorry... Paimon was just surprised, that's all. Whew, Paimon never saw that twist coming... The murder mystery novels here are amazing!" Paimon apologized realizing. "Never thought I'd see the day when Paimon would enjoy reading..." Y/n said chuckling. "Do you have any idea how long we were loitering here..." Aether said. "The whodunits here in Fontaine are a lot different than the light novels you see from Yae Publishing House. Both have their merits, but Paimon thinks this style of novels are more... well, novel!" Paimon tried explaining why she liked reading for the first time. "It's so exciting to reach the moment when the mystery is uncovered! Especially in the one Paimon was just reading, you should buy a copy and read it, too!" The flying child suggested to the two traveler. "I'm good." Aether said while crossing his arms. "You already spoiled who the murderer is." Y/n said dumbfounded. "Oh, sorry about that... Paimon will be more careful next time." Paimon apologized while putting her hand on her head.

"Hey, shouldn't we be heading to the opera house to see Lyney's performance soon? It's almost time for the show to start, so we should get going." She said suddenly remembering the Magicians magic show. "Lyney said that the opera house is on Erinnyes, so let's go ride the aquabus!" Paimon added. The three of them went to the aquabus and rode it to the opera house.

"Whoa, now this is fancy! The Opera Epiclese... What a place to hold a performance, no wonder Lyney and Lynette were looking forward to it." The flying child said amazed.

"Huh? Looks like there's a lot of people standing around the fontain up ahead

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"Huh? Looks like there's a lot of people standing around the fontain up ahead." She said after seeing many people standing around the fontain.

"O Archon... please bless us with a bright and healthy child. We pray-" A man named Joliot started but then got cut off by his wife that is named Irimia. "...I don't know why you always feel the need to ask so much... I'll be happy as long as our child is healthy, and lives a peaceful life." She said. "Hehe, I guess if they're our kid, then there's no doubt they'll turn out smart." Joliot said while smiling at his wife and then the both of them looked back at the fontain.

"Maybe this is one of the customs in Fontaine? There sure are a lot of couples here..." Paimon said while looking at the couples. "Vacher..." Suddenly said a female voice out of nowhere which made the two traveler give out a "Huh?". "What's wrong?" Paimon asked them confused. "Vacher... Vacher..." Said the unkown voice once again which made the blond and h/c traveler look at Paimon. "Did you just say something, Paimon?" Y/n asked the floating child. "No, Paimon didn't say anything. Are you hearing things?" Paimon asked. "Strange..." Y/n mumbled out. "Whose voice was that just now...?" Aether questioned.

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