012 •Investigation

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Everyone left which made the two traveler run up to Lyney. Paimon called out his name. "Sorry about everything that happened just now, were you frightened?" He asked Y/n while feeling sorry. Paimon being Paimon thought that he was asking this to her Y/n and Aether. "Of course, who wouldn't be scared after witnessing an accident like that?" The floating child said terrified. "Yeah, I'm a little shaken up myself... How could this happen? And poor Cowell..." Lyney said while touching his head with one of his hand.

"I know you already claimed that you would defend me, but now it's just us talking... Tell me, do you think I could possibly be the murderer?" He asked while putting his hand on his chest. "Probably." Aether mumbled making Y/n hit him with her elbow in his side. "No." The h/c haired female said making the ash blond haired male smile at her. "I'm sure everyone sees me as the biggest suspect at this point. But if you ask me, the whole thing is mysteries layered upon mysteries, such that all that's left is confusion. I don't know whether what happened there on the stage was purely an accident or not... and I don't know why poor Cowell was in the box." Lyney said. "As for how that girl chosen from the audience could disappear, I'm afraid I don't have any answers, either. If someone tampered with my performance, then we need to figure out what they did. Even a skilled and knowledgeable magician like myself couldn't pull that all that off in just one minute" He added.

After some talking and Paimon saying the they have to investigate the case she asked the magician something. "Oh, since we're going to start investigating, Paimon has a question first. Where did Lynette go during the performance?" She asked. "Ah, well... I'm afraid that would involve some of our essential trade secrets as magicians..." Lyney said not really wanting to answer the question because of that. "The secret behind our magic are past saving, Lyney." Lynette said to her brother with her hands on her hips. "I suppose you're right. The truth behind our tricks is going to be important evidence that will be weighed during the trial." Lyney said while sighing. "Ah! 'Tis truly a pity. As a magician, our magic show is a work of art. We've poured countless hours and spared no effort in perfecting it. But if revealing our secrets will help you uncover the truth behind what happened, then it will be worth it." He added. "We should go somewhere else if we're going to discuss our magic tricks. We'll go speak with the Gardes, and in the meantime, you can go investigate the stage and the seating areas." He said. "Alright, let's go have a look while the investigation teams are still here. Detective Paimon is on the case!" The floating child said confidently and then the two traveler and their companion walked off. Lyney had a feeling in his chest that grew every step that Y/n was walking away from him. He didn't want her to leave. But it's not like he can stop her... well not yet.

"Hello, Officer. How's the investigation going?" Paimon asked a men who was looking at the broken water tank on the stage. "We're Lyney and Lynette's attorneys." Y/n said. They started talking about the incident. Y/n was in deep thoughts thinking about why Cowell would be inside the box instead of the girl who disappeared with no trace. The Officer said it would be logical if Lyney did that which Y/n didn't like hearing cause that is a accusation with no proof.

Some time later the two traveler and their companion started to investigate all over the place and talked to some of the other Officers and people while doing so.

They soon went out from the incident room to think about the whole situation. After they walked away a blond haired female sitting on a couch with tea on the table in front of her called out to the three. "Hey, you! Yes, the three of you! Over here! I've been keeping an eye on you for a while now." The blond haired female said making the three turn to the voice. In front of the female were standing two males who looked like her bodyguards. The one on the left looked old and the one on the right looked younger. "Huh, you mean us?" Paimon asked confused. "That's right! If I'm not mistaken, you're also among those who wish to cut down the thorn and pursue the truth, no? And by the looks of it, you're not from Fontaine." The female said. "Well you're right on the Mora about that one... But who are you?" Paimon asked with a hand on her chin. "Hehehe, have you never heard of the Spina di Rosula?" The blond haired female asked after chuckling a bit. "From mediating disputes and providing protection, to solving conundrums - you name it, Spina di Rosula does it." She answered with confidence. "And I, Navia, have the honor of being its renowned president..." She introduced herself and then stood up. "... Though those who play by our rules call me "Boss."" She added. "I'm Silver, her attendant. Pleased to meet you." The younger male on the right side said while bowing down with a hand on his chest. "And I'm Melus. Demoiselle's various daily needs and affairs are under my purview." The older male on the left side introduced himself with a hand on his chest.

"Huh? Boss Demoiselle... What gives with the names?" Paimon questioned with her hand on her chin. "Ahem... Well, I am the second-generation president. Melus and the others are still used to my... previous title." Navia explained. "My apologies. Demoiselle. Should you prefer "Boss", I will endeavor to use that instead." Melus apologized. "No, no need. You don't have to call me Boss, just "Navia" is fine!" The blond haired female said. "Okay, if you say so... Not that we're members of Spina di Rosula, anyways!" The floating child said. "Haha, all merely trifling details, never mind. Now, back to the situation at hand." Navia said.

"So you want to investigate as well?" Aether asked. Navia nodded and then looked at Y/n "That's right. I've always kept an eye on yo- ahem... on the serial disappearance cases - my interest stems from a matter back from my father's time." She answered. "Judging from the look of things, I find Lyney an unlikely mastermind." She added. "Really? We think so too! That's why we're looking for clues now." Paimon said happily. "But how did you come to that conclusion?" She asked. "Intuition, naturally. My unparalleled intuition!" Navia answered with confidence wanting to impress Y/n. "Uh, okay..." Y/n said while sweat dropping at her answer.

"Furina sure was quick to point the finger at Lyney without any decisive evidence whatsoever, wasn't she?" The blond haired female said. "But that's not uncommon for her. If you remember, the Justice had to interrupt her and ask if she was pressing charges just to keep from getting carried away." She added making
Y/n and Aether into thoughts. "A trial begins the moment someone levels charges. And of course, there was no way Furina was going to back down in that situation." She once again added. "Sounds more like you just don't trust the Hydro Archon." Paimon said. "Well, what's your opinion? I must admit that she can be interesting at times but liking her doesn't mean that I'll blindly agree with her." Navia said which Y/n nodded her head to because she agreed to it.

Navia then looked at her and started to ask question to the three about if they think that it's right to treat a trial like it's an opera. The three of them found it not right which made the blond haired female ask why they find it not right. Y/n said that something serious like a trial shouldn't be treated like entertainment.

After some time later they finished talking. "We'll be making some preparations first. Just be sure to let us know if they start revealing Lyney's tricks. Thanks!" The two traveler and their companion then walked off to a animal looking child in front of the entrance with Gards.

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