Andrew nods, understanding Nia's fears. He, too, has seen the dark side of the industry, the sacrifices and compromises that often come with success. But he believes that with their love and support, they can guide YN through the challenges and protect her from harm.

"I promise you, Nia, we won't let her lose herself," Andrew reassures her, his voice filled with determination. "We'll be there every step of the way, guiding her and ensuring she stays true to herself. We won't let her get caught up in the negativity."

Nia looks into Andrew's eyes, seeing the unwavering belief and love he has for their daughter. She knows that he is right, that they can't deny YN the chance to shine and fulfill her potential.

"Okay," Nia finally says, her voice filled with a mix of apprehension and hope. "Let's give her this opportunity. But we have to promise each other that we'll always put her well-being and happiness first."

Andrew smiles, relieved that they have come to a middle ground.

"Alright, let's go check on the girls," he says as they both get up and make their way to the living room. Once reaching the area, Andrew quickly scoops both girls up into his arms. "What are you two doing?" he asks, attacking them with kisses as they yell and laugh.

"Playing with Barbies, Daddy," Jaz responds as he lays them both on the couch and tickles them. Nia shakes her head in laughter and heads off into the kitchen.

"Daddy, stop... Stop it, Daddy," they both say, almost out of breath.

"I'll stop if you tell me who loves you," he says slyly.

"You do," they both say.

"How much?" he asks.

"With all your heart," they say.

"Okay," he says, moving away from them. "Put your toys away and get ready for dinner, okay?" he says, making his way to stand.

"Okay," they say and start picking up the toys as he makes his way into the kitchen.


Dinner rolled around, the freezing winter night of 07' leaving a blanket of snow on every inch of the outside world. The family gathered around the table, engaging in lively conversations about various topics.

"So, how was your day, honey?" Drew asked, shifting his attention to YN.

"It was good, daddy. Today, Uncle Jin and I were dancing with other kids, and he mentioned that there's going to be a new trainee soon," she replied with excitement.

"Really?" he responded, his curiosity piqued.

"Yeah, he even let me watch his audition video, and he's a really good singer," YN said, her cheeks slightly reddening. Drew caught onto this and exchanged a glance with his wife.

"YN has a crush," Jaz chimed in with a smirk.

"I do not have a crush, stupid," YN retorted, glaring at her sister.

"I'm not stupid, you're stupid," Jaz shot back with attitude.

"Hey, no one's stupid. And crush?" Nia intervened, putting an end to the bickering between the sisters.

"I don't have a crush. I just told her that I think he sings nicely, and she made up some stupid idea in her head," YN explained, looking down at her plate.

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