Doomsday; Part One

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April 7th, 2014

Summerville, California

"FUCK YOU!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and slammed my fist directly into the helmeted face of the Seraph. There was a flash of blinding blue light and the creature was sent flying into one of the rocks.

She stood up like nothing had happened, dusting herself off. "I gotta give you credit kid, you're strong, but are you strong enough?" she rushed forward slamming her fist directly into my stomach. It was enough to make me want to vomit, fuck she hits hard.

I wrapped my hands around her and sent a surge of lighting through her body. But it had no effect on her, she just headbutted me and sent me crashing into the ground below. My body was aching, I had expended a lot of energy. Not just in the fight, but even getting here took a lot out of me. I was tired, and she, well she was only getting started.

I jumped to my feet, she floated above me, arms open as if to offer an embrace. Fuck she's so infuriating. I grit my teeth and tried to think how I could break her. I wanted to tear out her spine, and put her head on it like a spike.

"Hey, what's your name?" I called up, I needed to stall. Just to give me time enough to think of something

"Dante, Sword of the Archangel Gabriel." She said.

I rolled my eyes, so fucking pretentious. "I just thought I should know what to call you, so I can put it on your tombstone."

She laughed, and then lowered her arms. "You really think you can win? You are so adorable, like a puppy, before you put it down." I was about to wretch, how cartoonishly evil is she?

"A girls gotta try right?"

She shrugged, "Try as much as you like, it won't change the outcome. When I tear your head from its place, I'll give it to your owners."

"Nobody owns me!" I snarled.

"Sure little one, tell that to Alistair."

Alright, that was enough talk. I'd either expend everything I had and kill her, or die trying. Either way, it would be a good death. I let out an explosive charge of lightning into the surrounding area, setting the area ablaze.

I shot myself forward, body slamming her and then unleashing a flurry of blows. One fist in front of the other, not letting up. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, cross, jab, uppercut. My arms were on fire, my muscles were screaming for me to give in. But I couldn't, I can't give up no matter what. I made one fatal error, I paused for a millisecond, allowing her to slam her knee into my chest. She grabbed my head and then slammed it against her knee. I fell to the ground, darkness filling my vision.


"Calliope, it is time to wake up." A man said in a booming voice.

Who the hell is Calliope?

"You can find the strength, We believe in you, Calliope." He continued.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked

I was suddenly sitting on a beach, with an Owl, Eagle, and a Horse. I had either died and gone to whatever heaven there was, or this was hell. The horse stamped on the ground, and then neighed, wait, no it spoke.

"Calliope, have you forgotten yourself?" His voice sounded like it could command the sea.

I pointed at myself.

"Yes you." the Owl said, she was stern.

"My name is Sydney." I said.

They all made some form of disgruntled noise.

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