Hammer of the Witch Queen; Part One

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January 13th, 2014

Thompson Meadows, California.

David had started a fire in the hearth and Roxy got to making some breakfast. Turns out they planned for the trip and picked up stuff for breakfast before they got us. She lined up the coffee cups and poured neatly into each mug.

"Bonnie? Isabelle? How do you like your coffee?" she asked kindly.

"Very light creamer." Isabelle said, turning over on the couch.

"I'm fine with black. Is there anything in here that was actually Jeremiahs?" I asked.

"His journals are all here, on the bookshelf in the master bedroom." She walked over and handed Isabelle and I our coffees. "Worth a shot, but that's not why I brought you guys here."

Isabelle sleepily sipped her coffee. "Yeah, I've been pretty concerned all night, and none of this makes any goddamn sense. What exactly are we doing here Roxy, how come all of a sudden we're all hanging out in a cabin miles from any town?"

Roxy started the propane stove and put a chunk of butter in the pan she was holding. She put it over the flame and hummed. "I'll tell you after we eat." Roxy said.

I slapped Isabelle's thigh and stood up. "Let's go look at those journals, bound to find something interesting in them." Roxy looked up at me and squinted.

"You still haven't shown us the glowing eye thing." she said.

"Right, I'm not sure if I have complete control over it, but I guess I can try." I said and reached my hand out for the jar of peanut butter next to Roxy. The same euphoric sensation flooded my body and my eyes flashed the lilac purple, the jar flew from the counter and landed in my hand.

David smiled lightly and then stoked the fire. "That's pretty coolio Bonnie." The three of us looked at him disgusted. " what?" he asked.

I took Isabelle's hand and led her down the hall of the cabin. I turned into the next doorway on the right. "So, this is pretty weird? Isn't it?" I asked.

"Weird doesn't begin to describe what this is like. Bonnie? What the fuck is going on?" she asked in a panicked tone. "My parents are gonna kill me, I'm dead." I hadn't even thought about my mother until now, I was so caught up in the moment I forgot. Isabelle was right, the moment we get off this mountain we're dead.

"I have no clue, but don't you want to find out?" The master bedroom was huge, a california king sized bed right in the center. White curtains draped over the window, the morning sun peaking through.

"I don't even know what we're supposed to be looking for, do you?" she laid down on the bed. "Did the Lady of the Lake tell you anything?"

"All she said was that we needed to find a witch." I sat down in front of the small bookcase that doubled as a night stand. "I still can't believe Roxy's dad let this place be turned into a vacation spot."

"It wasn't her dad's decision." David leaned against the doorframe. "It was either sell the place or use it, and Mark refused to sell." he took a drink from a thermos he carried. "What I find surprising is that he would just leave some of Jeremiah's things out in the open. The journals I get, lots of crazy stories to be told over a campfire, but his gun? Now why wouldn't Mark take that with him?"

I leaned back using my arms as a brace against the ground. "David, I think that's the most I've ever heard you speak ever." I pulled out one of the journals and flipped through the pages, there were twelve of them in total. What do you know about what's going on?" I asked.

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