Jeremiah Noble

15 3 24

January 13th, 2014

Summerville, California

"I'm not gonna pretend I understand everything that you're saying, but I don't think you're crazy." Isabelle said to me as we laid on the floor, wrapped in each other's arms. "Bonnie, I saw your eyes flash a million different colors, literally, what the fuck man." she rolled over and sprawled across the floor.

"I don't think I can quite wrap my head around it either if that helps." If it hadn't been for the glowing eyes I would have shrugged off the dream. But this was real, verifiable, and didn't go away for three hours. "What's weirder? That I died? Or that I'm technically related to King Arthur."

My phone buzzed right before she could answer. It was Roxy, we exchanged numbers before the weekend. The device drummed against the floor until I grabbed it. "What do you need, Rox?" I asked.

Isabelle looked stunned. "Oh, so you're calling her Rox now?" she asked.

"Hey, my parents are fighting again, and I'd like to get out of the house." She said,

"Roxy, you are aware it's two in the morning?" I asked.

"Sorry, it's been a long night. Hey, do you know anything about Jeremiah Noble?" the girl asked.

"Is that your cousin or something?" I asked, but I knew exactly who she was talking about.. Her breathing suddenly slowed. I could feel her nervousness over the phone. "Roxy?"

"Great great great grandfather, he had a cabin in your neck of the woods. My folks rent it out as a rustic AirBnB but it's empty right now. It's deep in the mountains. Thompson Meadows I think. Wanna go?" she finally finished.

"R-r-right now?" I stuttered.

"Scared Roseman?" her voice was flat.

"Should I be?"

"No," she paused. " I'll be there in twenty minutes, get ready." she said, and hung up.

Isabelle's eyes were wide with curiosity. I placed my phone on my chest and breathed out. "Something's got her shaken up, she's on her way here to pick us up, and I think it might have something to do with this." and I pointed at my eyes.

"How can you be so sure?" the girl asked.

"She talked about Jeremiah Noble. A long time ago, our families were good friends. The Rosemans and the Nobles, founders of Summerville actually." She looked confused. "Right, not that you would know. It's deep summerville history, not a lot of people outside of a few actually know."

"On with it Roseman, get to the point. How are you so sure it has anything to do with you?"

"My great grandfather was raised by Jeremiah Noble."

"So you think he would have known a whole lot about this whole glowing eye thing?"

"He has to know, there has to be some clue up at that cabin of his." I let out a frustrated groan. "The only problem is that the area isn't exactly friendly."

"What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"We Rosemans are a superstitious folk, worse things than mountain lions lurk around the woods of that cabin." I cracked a smile. "I think my mom was partly relieved when my dad died, I think she hoped to be rid of some of that Roseman peculiarity." I paused to look at my phone, Roxy had texted me.

ROXY :(: I assume you're just as versed in our family's shared history as I am. If not, you're probably looking for answers, answers that I have.

Me: What do you mean?

Roxy :(: You'll see

Roxy :(: David's driving really slow, we'll be a little longer. Txt me the address.

I sent her our location and got my pants back on. Isabelle excitedly got ready alongside me. Things were happening fast, and it felt so good to be at the center of it. I bent over to reach for my phone, there was a surge in my body, and then the flood of emotion rushed over me. My phone levitated from where it sat, into my hand. My legs became jelly and I fell to the ground.

"Whoa! Are you okay? Do you need water?" Isabelle asked.

"That, that, that felt incredible." I said and focused my mind on a sweater from the girls closet. From it floated my maroon windbreaker. "I love magic."

She rolled her eyes. "Showoff."


We hurried out to David's truck, which I didn't expect to be so beat up. We got into the back seat, at this point he started to drive away.

"You said you were angry the other day, because of your parents?" I asked.

Roxy nodded. "Busted." she whispered. "Now, there's more than my parents to worry about. I assume you've been to the cabin before?"

"Three times." I said.

"Well, you'll have more experience than me, I've never been. Never had a reason to go, never cared, never had a reason to." she leaned against her window.

"Roxy, what happened to you?" Isabelle asked.

"Grandpa Jeremiah decided to make a surprise visit to his grandchild's dreams. And when old Jeremiah Noble speaks to you, you must listen." her eyes lit up with a hellish flame. "Bonnie, of course it had to be you that I'd get entangled with. You better make what I have to do worth it."

"And what exactly do you have to do Roxy?" Isabelle asked.

A small, dry crack of a smile appeared on the girl's face. "You'll see."


The early morning sun woke the trees from their slumber. Birds began their morning songs, and the meadow welcomed us visitors in its everlasting embrace. The heavenly light illuminating the cabin. It's huge, Jeremiah Noble had a lot of money.

Isabelle hid behind me, but her eyes were glued to the cabin. "Why didn't you ever tell me about this?" she tugged at my shirt.

"Like I said, it's deep family history, and it's a lot for most people to handle." I said.

"Somehow this is weirder than the glowing eye thing." Isabelle said.

David giggled, "excuse me, what's the glowing eye thing." That's right, I didn't tell Roxy anything about what happened. Also, it just now dawned on me that David was even here, why was he here?

"Hey, Rox, does David know about everything?" I asked.

She nodded. "David's my closest confidant, you think I wouldn't tell him?" she said unlocking the front door.

This was it, the point of no return. The moment the four of us began to truly understand the weight of generations. That morning, we all felt the wrath of hell. 

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