The Black Rose

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April 7th, 2014

Summerville, California

I laid on Isabelle's couch, staring up at the ceiling fan and contemplating my life. Things were only getting harder. She came into my room and just straight up told me she didn't want me in the house at all this weekend. She didn't want to be near me.

I was more than happy to oblige her request. But it's still, so fucking hard. I wanted nothing more than for to love me, but she didn't, why doesn't she love me? What is so wrong with me that she's blinded with hate and disgust.

When I got here, it was just Isabelle's dad home, Justin. He was always nice, and when I told him what had happened he made me a cup of tea and told me to make myself at home. I wanted to go to her room, but I couldn't make it that far. I collapsed on the couch and started to cry, more than I think I ever have.

And Justin, bless his heart, sat with me through the entire three hours. Isabelle and her mom had gone out for a girls day and I begged him not to call them back. She deserves to have a nice day out. So instead he sat with me, put on a rock and roll cd and let me get it out of my system.

They had always taken care of me, her entire family had been so kind to me. I will forever be grateful to them. When I claim my full power, and take my throne. Isabelle will be my queen, and they will all live happily ever after.

My sadness slowly burned away and turned into a deep red hate. Rage hotter than the sun. She doesn't deserve to have me as a daughter. She's a monster, and she'll pay for what she's done. One of these days I'm gonna inflict all the pain she's ever caused me back on her, all at once. Maybe then she'll be sorry, maybe then she'll beg for mercy.

Yes, she deserves nothing but the cruelest of punishments. The hottest hell, the sharpest knife. The blackest hate boiled within me as I stewed on my vengeance. My wrath will come for her, all I need is the crown.

Two hours after I stopped crying Isabelle and her mom came through the door. They had gotten me a slice of red velvet cheesecake. It was the best thing I had ever tasted. Isabelle had gotten a bunch of new clothes, and we had a fashion show for her in the living room.

She got this beautiful burgundy dress, my favorite color. The way she twirled around in it, how she smiled brighter than any star. She dragged me off of my feet up into her arms. Her skin smooth as silk, and touch soft as cotton. She rested her head on my chest as we danced together in the middle of her living room.

"Spring formal is in a few weeks." She said, hope in her voice. "And like, I know you're going through a lot, and we don't ha-" she squealed as I pulled her closer. Tightening my arms around her waist.

"I would love to go with you." I said.

She kissed me on the tip of my nose. "We gotta get you a cute dress then, Roseman." She broke away from my arms, spun around, and then pointed at her mom. "Mother, I hereby request we get Bonnie the cutest dress we can find." she giggled and I turned red. Her parents both smiled and nodded at each other.

"Tomorrow?" her mom asked sweetly.

Isabelle, content, nodded her head. "Tomorrow."

She hurried off towards the bathroom, to get changed. And when she came back out she started to pull me off towards the front door.

"Where are we going?" I squeaked.

"The park, we're gonna look at some stars." She stopped dead in her tracks and looked back at her parents. "As long as it's okay. I know it's getting dark."

They didn't care. Just as long as we were back at a semi reasonable time. It hadn't even become fully dark yet. The sun was barely setting, but the town was already starting to sleep. The park is exactly a five minute walk away, but under dire circumstances it can be turned into a ten minute one.

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