I rummaged through its contents, my hands sifting through the items, hoping to stumble upon the elusive saree. And just when I was beginning to lose hope, my fingers grazed against the smooth fabric of the saree. Relief washed over me as I held it up, triumphant in my discovery.

  With the saree in hand, I felt a renewed sense of excitement and anticipation, ready to embrace the festivities that awaited me.

I can't even begin to express how much I adore this saree and its mesmerizing color. It's like a dream come true, exactly the way I envisioned it. So, the first thing I had to tackle was ironing the saree. Can you believe it? It was hiding at the bottom of my pile of clothes, making me search high and low.

I knew I had to iron it right away. If only I had checked for the saree yesterday, I wouldn't have been in this time crunch, struggling to get it perfectly ironed. It's always those little things that eat up so much of our precious time, you know? 

Finally, everything is done and it's time to put on my saree. I start by changing into my underskirt and blouse. But oh no, there's a major problem - my blouse feels tight. Why does this have to happen today? I should have checked it yesterday.

Now I'm left with no other option. And the thing is, I had this whole image in my mind of how I would look in this particular outfit. I can't just change it at the last moment. The blouse has a deep back with hooks, and despite the tightness, I'm determined to wear it. After all the effort I put into finding it in my bag and ironing it, there's no way I'm giving up on it now. I've made up my mind - I'm not going anywhere unless I wear this saree.

Finally, after a lot of struggling, I somehow managed to fasten the hooks on my blouse. I don't know how, but I did it, and I must say, I'm quite proud of myself. With the hooks secure, I quickly draped my saree and adorned myself with a pair of beautiful earrings. I decided to go for a low bun hairstyle because, let's be honest, I can't handle the hassle of managing open hair.

As a finishing touch, I added a few bangles to complement my look. Oh, and I had to remove my mangalsutra since the blouse had a deep neckline, and it was impossible to hide it. I applied just a hint of vermillion, barely visible but still there. And just like that, my transformation was complete.

It was around eight fifteen, I think. Not bad, I wasn't too late for the party. Feeling satisfied with my look, I made my way to the living room. And let me tell you, it looked even more beautiful compared to the morning hours. I found myself standing in a corner, taking in the sight of everything around me.

I tried to spot the other members of the party, but all I could see were the guests and Adhyaan's parents, along with his uncle and aunty. I couldn't find anyone else. So, I decided to head towards the freshers section to grab a drink. And guess who I saw coming down the stairs? Adhyaan, dressed in an all-white kurta.

he looked absolutely breathtaking, like a vision from a romantic novel. His hair was styled in the most alluringly messy way. The kurta he wore clung to his perfectly sculpted body, accentuating every curve and contour, making my heart skip a beat. And those first three buttons left open, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of his chiseled chest, it was enough to make any heart flutter with desire. His watch, only added to the allure of his presence. And the way he draped that dupatta around his neck, it was like a delicate touch of romance, adding an extra layer of charm to his already perfect appearance.

I couldn't help but be enchanted, lost in the depths of admiration as I took in every detail. But alas, duty called, and he had to attend to the guests. It seems he's quite the busy bee today, caught up in the whirlwind of the event.

So, the party was about to start and I saw everyone arriving. Tara, Urvashi, and Natasha were together, and Vedant seemed busy on his phone. They were all caught up in their gossips. I was just standing in the corner, sipping my juice, not sure who to talk to. Out of nowhere, someone unexpectedly pushed me from behind, and it startled me. It was Adhyaan standing next to me. And just like before, I couldn't help but admire how handsome he looked today. Our red and white outfits perfectly matched each other.

But before I could say anything, he playfully smiled and said, "What are you staring at like that, huh?"

But as soon as I heard him, I snapped back to reality and understood what he had said. Honestly, I did want to talk to him and spend more time with him. But then my mind started replaying all the moments they shared, and his behavior only added to my suspicions. His constant busyness and lack of time bothered me. So, I decided it's best for me to keep my distance. It's for the best because it feels like I'm the only one getting emotionally involved.

I understand that I should have talked to him before jumping to conclusions. But considering the negative situation and his behavior, I don't feel confident enough to question him. And honestly, I'm not even sure if we're that close. So, for now, I think it's better to let things be this way. I don't want to make any hasty decisions. That's why I just gave him a brief reply.

I replied, sipping my juice, "I'm not staring at you."

But then he whispered in my ear, "Well, get your eyes checked. I can feel all the eyes on me."

His actions were really getting on my nerves these days, so I retorted, "Oh, please, you wish!"

He smirked and replied, "Believe me, I don't need to wish when I have someone like you stealing glances at me."

His nonchalant answers shocked me, and I almost got riled up as I said, "Stealing glances? Don't flatter yourself."

But he just winked at me with a smile and said, "Oh, come on! Admit it, you can't resist my charm. I see that sparkle in your eyes."

I couldn't believe his thoughts and replied, "You're delusional! Good luck with your delusional thoughts."

And he winked again, saying, "Luck has nothing to do with it. It's all about the magic we create together. And trust me you're looking way beautiful than any of my delusions. So I wouldn't mind being a little delusional"

so before I could say anything else, we were called out to make our way to the cake cutting. Adhyaan graciously allowed me to lead the way, and together we moved towards the area where we were going to cut the cake.

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