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When we escaped, I felt obligated to host everyone at my house. There were plenty of rooms and well, I felt guilty for getting Rico's place destroyed. Back in the tunnel, after Ares ignored my question, and continued to walk away, he ignored me for the rest of the journey until I suggested everyone stay at mine.

For the simple man, I know him to be, he's more complicated than I could've imagined.

As we arrived, he went to his old room with his brother. I'm only slightly ashamed to admit, that I've lingered in that room after he'd moved out.

A little of his scent stayed, that's why.

Like a magnet, I was compelled to follow them. I almost did before I caught myself midway, wondering why it was so difficult for me to stay away from him. This might be a problem in the foreseeable future. 

Instead of following him, I chose that time to take a shower and make a few calls, calling up a few private investigators to help me find some lead to the source of the explosions at Rico's mansion.

If I can find them, I'll probably find the person who paid them to do it. The way these people conduct their attacks is cowardly. Honestly, I expected more from the infamous brutal Russian mafia. Everyone around me speaks of them as if they're Gods, as if they can't be touched. As if they rule the world. after I avenge my dad, it will be my name replacing all those ridiculous rumors. 

I'm in deep in this shit, might as well enjoy it.

When everyone settled in their assigned rooms, they gathered in the main living room on either of the four sofas in the room that surrounded a black wooden & glass coffee table.

"Thank you for letting us stay here, Tatuyanna." A man in glasses said, with a pale blue book in his lap. "Yeah, I know you and I don't have the best history, but I appreciate your hospitality," Rico says with gratitude, leaning back in his seat.

From my position on the couch across from Rico, I adjust my turtleneck with an eyebrow raised. "Bad start?" I tilt my head in question.

He rolls his shoulders, uncomfort in his demeanor. "Well, you know? In high school, when you told me to 'get bent," He clears his throat. "Or something along those lines."

His friends had snickered in the background as I covered my mouth with my fist, realization dawning on me. "Right, about that, I apologize. I wasn't your brightest kid." With the best upbringing. "I had my reasons. Being friendly wasn't my forte back then." I cringe, memories of my fist flying passing through my mind like a montage.

"Yeah, made that clear. People back then were either terrified of you, curious about you, or envious." Rico says.

"What would they be envious about?" I question.

He shrugs. "I don't know, maybe your heterochromia?" Aless threw me a smirk, lightly nudging my shoulder with hers. "Nobody cares about my eyes, Aless. People used to make fun of me for it."

Another man with massive curly hair barks a laugh. "That usually constitutes jealousy, doll." His light brown eyes narrow into humor. "Playing modest gets you some status points, I'll give you that, but we're all friends here. You can be yourself. Tell us how much you reveled in people thinking you're made of nothing but gold."

If only he knew.

I feel awkward, suddenly conscious of how my hands clasped each other. "No, trust me. Where I'm from people think I had a disease of some kind that made me blind in one of my eyes," Usually the sage-coloured one. 

Silence falls and I use this opportunity to ask them if they want any drinks. I subtly hurry into the kitchen, while they change the topic and engage in a different conversation.

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