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"Neonata, calm down. He's a trained man. He'll live."

I sat in my father's SUV. Impatiently tapping my fingers against my crossed arms as I'm waiting for a certain man that thinks running into a place that has an active bomb is okay.

I care about Ares. I really do. Maybe more than I should, and know that he doesn't feel the same way. He made that very clear.

As he said, his job was done.

At the same time, he saved me today. I didn't need it, but he did anyway. I can't find myself appreciating it. I was trained to protect myself for a reason.

I've never had anything like this happen to me. I've been kidnapped and attacked but being assaulted while there's a bomb in the building?

I was caught off-guard.

I forgot all those hours of blood, sweat and tears in a boxing ring. Father ended up shooting me to get 'acquainted' with the feeling.

I kind of enjoyed it.

That building could explode any second. As the minutes past by, my anxiety kept rising. I can't help but fear for Ares' life.

"I'm going in there. I can't wait any longer." I remove my seatbelt, opening the car door and suddenly I'm being held back by my bicep. "Stay, neonata. I'll go."

I scoff. "That doesn't exactly give me any reprieve." He gets out of the car anyway, ignoring me and without command eight men get out of a black SUV in front of us.

They were geared and strapped up to bulletproof vests.

"Four of you, move in and scout out our current situation. As you move in, split in half. Two move to remove the bomb from the premises and the other half help Ares find whoever he's looking for. The rest of you cover me."

He commanded, hearing a small chorus of 'sí capo' and four men sprint inside with firearms while father walks behind them leaving me with an uneasy feeling about this situation.

Whoever planned this clearly wanted to come for me and my father too. If my hunch is right, we may be the main targets.

Him going in there made me more anxious. I had no other way to calm myself, I need to follow him. He was already inside as got out of the car.

"Capa, please stay. It is dangerous." My father's consigliere attempts to persuade me to stay. I clenched my jaw in frustration. "I have to Leo. My father and I are a team. If he walks into fire, I walk into fire."

Leo stiffly nods his head, cocking his head to the men in the SUV behind my father's. Another set of eight men immediately get out of the vehicle.

"Capa. They will stay on your tracks. Please. . . stai attento." My father's consigliere says, clearly worried for my well being. [Be careful.]

I smile, "Lo farò." Sensing my father's men behind me, geared up and strapped up to bulletproof vests just like the first group. [I will.]

I made my way towards the building.

Whatever happens in there, I can't help but think of the worse. My gut was practically wrenching at this point as if warning me about danger.

My phone rang in my hand but before I could answer it, I felt myself leave the ground and fly backward as a large fiery red heat consumed the air in front of me, blinding me completely.

I landed in the middle of the streets on my side, wincing in excruciating pain all over. It hurt so bad. My eyesight still hadn't come back and I was having trouble breathing. "Fuck." I wheezed, feeling small pulses against my skin.

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