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Copyright © KIMANLYNN 2023. All rights reserved. No part of this work or any of its contents may be reproduced, modified, copied, or adapted without the prior written consent of the author.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Author's note:

Hey, everyone.

Thank you for giving this book an addition to your reading list.  I'm hella excited to write it for you all. I will do my absolute best to keep you all hooked, entertained, saddened, and pissed off during the plot of this book.

I hope you enjoy it.



As an orphan, going to a private school through a scholarship wasn't easy. Especially when you're not as financially fortunate as the students that went there. I'm always reminded of how poor I am to this day. I also used to be a victim of excessive physical. At first, I took all the scrutiny, all the insults, all the assaults.

 Until. . . I didn't. 

This school was filled with students from the most prestigious families. They called themselves elite.

My name's Tatuyanna Salinas. I'm 15 years old and living a life of solitude. I prefer to be alone in this life. If my mother and father both chose to abandon me, then what is the point of pursuing other relationships?

I have intense trust issues and I see everyone and everything as a threat. It's really not difficult as all I see in front of me, is bullying, people bragging about how rich they are, or A-holes like the one approaching.

"Hey Tatu, I need someone to go to this event with me. I'll buy you whatever you need. Just say the word." He pushes me into a locker with his hand on my shoulder, completely trapping me with his height. His wavy brown hair fell over his forehead, almost covering his green eyes. 

"But it comes with a price." He says. "I'm sure you need the money." He brings his fingers up to touch my face, tracing the freckles on my cheek. "Even though you're poor, you sure do have a good body to go with that pretty little face of yours."

Searing anger shoots through my chest and I grit my teeth, kneeing him hard where it hurt. As a result, he groans and falls over, clutching himself, simultaneously writhing on the spotless teal tiles of this school. "I've said this countless times, Raydinoh." I glare down at him.

"If you want kids in the future, you'll stay away from me. Don't you get tired of following me around? Estupido."I spat in Spanish. [Idiot]

I walk over his body, throwing my black waist-length curly hair over my shoulder, my uniform heels clicking as I walked to my class, ignoring every curious gaze sent my way. I know full well that his family could sue my foster guardians, but I don't care. I don't care about them anyway. Besides, I'm reckless when it comes to protecting myself. All I have is myself, anyway. I don't even trust the law.

No one is for me. All are against me.

As I walk past groups of students, I make eye contact with a familiar ex-bully. Her crystal blue eyes instantly avoided my green and hazel ones. I then pull a satiated smirk, confidently ambling my way toward my class, students parting like the red sea.

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