Chapter 10 Through the Ice

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Hua Cheng jerks upright, heart pounding, and feels a sharp pain down his back as his body protests the sudden movement. In his years in Yong'an he would often wake to shouting or cursing and he learned quickly enough that if he didn't respond fast enough cursing would be followed by kicking, so at the sound of outrage swearing his body reacts before his mind does. Confused and heart pounding he stares wildly around himself at the rich walls and furniture that have replaced the familiar darkness of his shed.

"Mu Qing what...?"

At the sound of Xie Lian's bleary voice coming from beside him Hua Cheng's current location finally clicks into place and he lets out a soft breath, his shoulders relaxing a bit. He must've fallen back asleep despite his back pain, that's all. ...Though that doesn't quite explain the furious figure looming over the bed.

Just then the door slams open and Feng Xin barges into the room, his hand on his sword.

" Your Highness! is everything all right!?"

"We're fine." Xie Lian waves a little awkwardly from his place on the bed. "Mu Qing, would you mind explaining what that yelling was about?"

"What... What that..." Mu Qing appears to be momentarily at a loss for words. He only points at Xie Lian whose sleeping robes have slid open enough in the night to expose not only his neck but his collarbone and the top of his chest as well.

Xie Lian's eyes drop to follow the line of that accusatory finger. Hua Cheng can tell the exact moment he sees because his eyes go wide and his cheeks turn a very pretty shade of bright pink. Hua Cheng can't help leaning forward a little any more than he can help the way his lips curve as he too takes in the view.

"What is it?" Feng Xin steps forward, frowning, then freezes as he too gets his first look at the new set of marks which stand out quite prettily against the pallor of Xie Lian's skin. "WHAT THE FUCK!? WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK!?"

Sitting halfway up Xie Lian raises his hands placatingly. "Feng Xin, Mu Qing, please calm down. I can expla..."

His words are cut off as Feng Xin launches himself over Xie Lian, trying to grab Hua Cheng. "BASTARD! WHAT DID YOU DO TO OUR PRINCE!?"

"Nothing he didn't ask for." Hua Cheng smiles smugly back. Why shouldn't he be smug? After all /he/ is the one getting to sleep with Xie Lian and /they/ are not.

"You little..." Mu Qing grabs the nearest object, a book from the prince's bedside table, and throws it at Hua Cheng's head. Hua Cheng catches it easily.

"YOU LYING BASTARD!" Feng Xin is still attempting to grab Hua Cheng, his progress hampered by his prince whose hands now rest on the bodyguard's shoulders, shoving him back.

"Feng Xin calm down! Mu Qing stop throwing my books!"


"Didn't do anything wrong." Xie Lian's cheeks are flaming but his voice is firm and both retainers pause their attempts to murder Hua Cheng long enough to stare at the prince in utter horror.

"Your highness you're not serious...."

Now that Feng Xin has stopped trying to climb over Xie Lian to grab Hua Cheng the prince lowers his hands and sits up coughing awkwardly into his fist. "Um yes, well, that's, actually..."

Mu Qing crosses his arms. "Don't try to tell me this was all part of the plan too."

"It is..." Xie Lian scratches awkwardly at his cheek. "...We just sort of got carried away?"

"So you used the plan to take advantage of him, is that it?" Feng Xin glares over Xie Lian's head at Hua Cheng. The concubine is about to reply with a smug comment about the prince's willingness but he doesn't get the chance.

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