Chapter 2 Getting to Know You

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"I think we should get to know each other." The Prince says it as he settles back into his seat at the table. He had only stepped out for a moment to order a servant to send up lunch but it was long enough for Hua Cheng to once again be struck by the strangeness and irony of his situation, a slave dining with a Prince, a concubine who's lord is glad he doesn't want to sleep with him, a stable boy helping a royal with his political schemes, and of course all of it made possible in a bid for peace when Hua Cheng is here to ensure there is war.

The comment is as startling as everything else the prince has said and Hua Cheng can't help raising an eyebrow at him. His first thought is to ask why exactly a prince would want to know anything about the life of a slave but the words die halfway to his mouth, partly because it's hardly a seductive answer and partly because... Because... Just because.

"What would your highness like to know?"

The Prince considers him for a moment then asks, "How old are you?"


"Have you always lived in the capital of Yong'an?"

"No, I was actually born in Xianle."

The Prince's expression darkens at that.

"How did a citizen of Xianle end up enslaved to Yong'an?"

Hua Cheng hesitates for a moment, trying to figure out how to tell the story in a way that's palatable for royal ears but before he can answer the prince's eyes widen and he quickly raises a hand to stop Hua Cheng.

"I'm sorry, that was a thoughtless question. The memory must be painful."

Hua Cheng shrugs nonchalantly, partly because he's long since come to terms with the memory, but mostly as a way to hide his shock at the consideration in the Prince's voice. No one is that considerate of him, no one has ever been that considerate of him, not since...

"No, it's fine." He's rattled enough that, without meaning to, some of the formality slips from his tone. "It's not a very long story. My father loved to gamble and wasn't careful about his debts. We left Xianle when I was 11 to escape them but he wasn't any more careful in Yong'an. When his debts got too high again he didn't want to move so instead he sold me to the crown."

"your own father!?" The Prince stares at him, his hands gripping tightly onto the wooden edge of the table as though to keep himself from reaching for a weapon.

Hua Cheng just shrugs again. "He never liked me much." In retrospect Hua Cheng really shouldn't even have been that surprised.

"That's...." The Prince's voice trails away as the door of the bedchamber opens and the servant from before, the probable lover, enters with a tray of food in his hands. As he places it on the table he eyes Hua Cheng speculatively so Hua Cheng looks back. The man is nice looking enough he supposes, though his looks pale in comparison to the Prince's beauty, but then what man's wouldn't? Is that why the prince doesn't want to sleep with Hua Cheng? Because of his looks? He wouldn't be surprised. Everything in the bedchamber is elegant and beautiful, from the furniture, to the walls, to the Prince's robes, and Hua Cheng definitely does not measure up.

"Do you need anything else?" The servant turns away from Hua Cheng to look back at the Prince.

"No, that's alright." The Prince gives him a quick smile.

Definitely his lover.

The servant inclines his head and leaves the room, but not before shooting Hua Cheng one final, narrow eyed, look.

Definitely his lover.

"Aren't you hungry?" The question draws Hua Cheng's attention back to the Prince and he nods.

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