Chapter 6 The Second Prince

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Instantly the prince's body stiffens beneath his and for a moment Hua Cheng believes that he's about to be thrown off but Xie Lian must realize what he is doing because he only fumbles awkwardly at the concubine's back for a moment before his hands find purchase, gripping the back of Hua Cheng's robes.

Vaguely Hua Cheng is aware of the footsteps of two men rounding the corner, of the way those footsteps stop, the startled exclamations that follow, and then that same set of footsteps retreating again, but those are all background noises, remote and unimportant compared to what matters most, kissing Xie Lian.

The prince's mouth is warm and soft beneath his, yielding and slightly clumsy in a way that Hua Cheng doesn't expect. He assumed that once passed his surprise the prince would take control of the kiss and Hua Cheng would be forced to yield to his status and greater experience. Instead it's the prince who melts beneath Hua Cheng's lips, his fingers tightening on Hua Cheng's robes and his mouth opening to allow his tongue entry. That's when it strikes Hua Cheng, he isn't kissing a prince, he's kissing Xie Lian, not the title, the person beneath it, and the feeling of that person yielding beneath him sends heat burning through Hua Cheng's blood. He surges forward, pressing Xie Lian harder into the tree, his mouth hungry against the prince's own, his body responding to Xie Lian's presence, Xie Lian's warmth. He feels an answering pressure against his thigh and...


"What are you doing!? Oh my god what!?"

Then there are hands grabbing his arms and the back of his robes, jerking him away from Xie Lian. Hua Cheng tries to jerk himself free but the restraining hands are too strong. He twists instead, glairing over his shoulder at the interrupting bastards, and is met by the equally furious faces of Feng Xin and Mu Qing.

"What the fuck are you doing!?"

"What are we doing!? What the hell do you think you were doing!?"

"Keep your fucking hands off of his highness!? How dare you take advantage! How dare you..."

"L-let him go." Xie Lian's voice is shaking but it successfully cuts through Feng Xin's ranting. Hua Cheng twists instantly back to look at the prince. His eyes are wide, his hair disheveled, his cheeks a flaming pink, and he has one hand pressed to his lips. He looks like a vision of the gods, and suddenly Hua Cheng thinks it's a good thing he's being restrained. Otherwise it would be nearly impossible to stop himself from kissing Xie Lian again.

"What why!?"


"It..." Xie Lian swallows, clearly gathering himself. "It's not what it looked like. It was a distraction, so let go."

The two grudgingly comply, Feng Xin giving Hua Cheng the sort of furious look which makes him wonder if Xie Lian is sleeping with both of them after all, while Mu Qing levels a narrow eyed gaze at the prince himself.

"Distraction from what? You two looked pretty distracted..."

"Shouldn't you ask 'for who' or are you doubting your prince's word?" Hua Cheng arches a mocking eyebrow at Mu Qing who turns to shoot him a poisonous look. Hua Cheng doesn't care. His heart still racing and his mind buzzing and some part of him feels as though he could conquer the world or at least, his eyes return to Xie Lian, the most fascinating part of it.

"Who said I was doubting him!? It's you I'm doubting!"

"Your Highness, what is going on?" Feng Xin frowns as he peers at Xie Lian.

"Not here." Xie Lian's eyes flick to either side of their surroundings. "My chambers."

He begins moving back toward the entrance to the palace at such speed that the others have to hurry to keep up with him. Once back in his rooms with the doors closed firmly behind them Xie Lian turns to his two retainers. "It's Right Minister Chen, he's entered into an alliance with Chancellor Lu."

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