Chapter 1 The Prince of Xianle

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Hua Cheng isn't even present when he is given away, no, what would be the point in that? It's not like he has any say in the matter. Well, maybe it's not the worst thing that he isn't there, being handed over like a possession in front of the entire court is the sort of humiliation he doesn't need. Still he isn't exactly happy about the alternative; being delivered directly to his highness's bedchamber to wait, like a spare robe, they are to be used at the Crown Prince's pleasure.

The thought of being "used" makes Hua Cheng uncomfortable enough that he quickly distracts himself by examining the chamber he's found himself in. Once he starts looking he finds that he can't stop looking because he has never seen so much luxury before in his life. It's not that the prince's bedchamber is over embellished or tastelessly opulent, but the sheer quality and artistry on display is like nothing he's ever seen before. He's sure that there are plenty of rooms just like it in the palace of Yong'an but he was a stable slaves there and the most he ever saw of the inside of the palace proper were the kitchens.

Hua Cheng is pulled from his study of the room by the sound of a door opening followed by footsteps in the princes outer chamber, three pairs of footsteps and a single voice raised in anger.

"...dare they!? What do they take me for? Do they seriously think that I...!? And I'm just supposed to go along with this!?"

The door to the prince's bedchamber flies open and a young man storms into the room, then stops so abruptly at the sight of Hua Cheng that his two companions nearly run into him. The man is slim built, but the sort of slim that comes with muscle, like the dancers and acrobats Hua Cheng sometimes sees entering and leaving the palaces of Yong'an. His robes are simple but elegant and of the finest quality, all white silk and intricate golden embroidery. His face... Well is, there's no other word for, beautiful, the most beautiful face Hua Cheng has ever seen. He can't stop staring so it's no wonder when the stranger recovers first.

"Who are you?" It's a demand and Hua Cheng is so thrown off by the man's sudden entrance and his unearthly beauty that he responds without thinking.

"Who are you?"

Only after the words are out of his mouth does Hua Cheng realize that he's probably just made a demand of a member of the nobility.

...But what would a member of the nobility be doing storming into the Crown Prince's bedchamber? Hua Cheng takes another look at that ethereal face and wonders if maybe this is the crown prince's lover. He certainly looks beautiful enough for the part.

"How dare you!?" It's the man at the beauty's right shoulder who snaps the question, causing Hua Cheng to finally remember that the two other men are even there. "Don't you know His Highness when you see him?"

His highness?


Hua Cheng's eyes snap back to the beauty in disbelief. After hearing that the crown prince of Xianle is a master of the sword, Hua Cheng has been picturing someone broad shouldered and overly muscled, not someone who looks like a divine painting. Quickly remembering himself, Hua Cheng drops to his knees and bows his head.

"Forgive me, your highness. I was sent from his Majesty the King of Yong'an as a gift of goodwill for your highness's pleasure."

They're words he was told to say and somehow he manages to speak them smoothly without giving any sign of their bitter weight on his tongue.

Above him he hears the prince's breath catch and Hua Cheng glances upward just enough to see the Prince staring down at him through eyes narrowed in anger.

"You're the..." The Prince spins to face his two companions. "Did either of you know about this? Do you know who let him in here?"

Quickly both men shake their heads.

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