Chapter 5 I Spy

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At the sound of a throat being cleared behind him Hua Cheng looks up from the book he's reading. Today he's been less random in his choice of book. It took him hours scouring the library to find the sort he wanted, tucked away in a dark corner where he is sure no one has disturbed it for years, but he found it and what he's been learning is most interesting.

At the sound of the cleared throat he raises his head then, seeing who it is, he stands quickly and bows.

"Your Highness."

"Hua Cheng." Xie Lian extends one hand and raises him from the bow by cupping his chin and guiding him upward, his thumb running across Hua Cheng's jaw in a possessive gesture and the concubine is surprised by the way his body shudders lightly at the touch. Behind Xie Lian his two shadows wear matching frozen expressions, as though torn between their duty and their disapproval. Somehow it just makes Hua Cheng smile more.

"I want you to attend me."

There aren't that many people occupying the library but Hua Cheng can feel the eyes of every one of the dozen or so that are fixed firmly on him and Xie Lian.

"As my prince wishes." Hua Cheng inclines his head again, nuzzling against Xie Lian's hand.

Once alone with Xie Lian in his bedchamber the prince flops onto the nearest seat and buries his head in his hands, bright pink covering the skin not hidden by his fingers.

"Was that too much? That was too much wasn't it."

Hua Cheng leans against the wall and chuckles.

"I thought your highness did very well. Very convincing."

Xie Lian makes an inarticulate groaning noise and flops forward over the table.

Hua Cheng laughs again and tapped a finger against his lips as though in thought.

"Although... I do have one note."

Xie Lian glances up at him from between his fingers. "What's that?"

"Your highness calling me by my name feels so formal. If we're really supposed to be intimate shouldn't your highness have some other name for me?"

The Prince lowers his fingers and looks up at Hua Cheng, the color still bright in his cheeks.

"Do you have something in mind?"

Hua Cheng thinks for a moment then nods. "I'm the third son of my family so perhaps your highness could call me San Lang?"

Xie Lian considers for a moment then nods. "As long as San Lang doesn't mind?"

"Not at all." In fact, far from minding, Hua Cheng finds that hearing the Prince refer to him that way leaves him feeling warm and happy. It's a strange sensation and one he feels is unique to Xie Lian. "So what sort of attention does his highness want from his concubine?"

Xie Lian's eyes widened and his face heats again. "That's... I mean..." He clears his throat and tries again. "I thought we could try sparring." He nods to one wall of his bedchamber and Hua Cheng is distracted from his appreciation of the prince's expression when he sees the two wooden practice swords now leaning against it.

"Your Highness understands I really do know nothing about the sword?"

"I know, but that's all right." Suddenly the prince is on his feet, eyes sparkling with excitement, all embarrassment forgotten. "I can teach you."

Several incense time later they're interrupted by a knock at the bedchamber door followed by the door swinging open to reveal Feng Xin whose eyes widen in shock at the scene before him. Hua Cheng stands pinned against one wall, Xie Lian so close in front of him that their bodies are practically on top of each other. One of his hands holds a wooden practice sword at Hua Cheng's neck, the other is wrapped around Hua Cheng's throat.

The Gift of Kings (HuaLian TGCF)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon