Chapter 4 I'm Glad It's You

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This time when the Prince blushes it's more than just the slight flush of earlier. Now his cheeks are fully pink and Hua Cheng drinks in the way the color contrasts with the pale jade of his skin and the darkness of his brows. Maybe Hua Cheng really will need to learn how to draw properly, just to capture that look.

Hastily Xie Lian clears his throat. "Maybe I could lend you something? Or, no, you're too tall. Maybe I can ask someone, oh but it's too late for that tonight..."

He's flustered enough that he seems to be babbling and again Hua Cheng can't help but find the whole effect rather adorable.

"Maybe if I just took off the robe and left the pants on?" He makes the suggestion slyly but the prince just nods, looking grateful to have any solution at all.

"Very well, Your Highness~" Hua Cheng rolls the prince's title on his tongue as he steps out of his boots then unties the robe and slides it slowly off of his shoulders, letting the fabric trace the plains of his body before allowing it to fall to the floor.

Never having done anything like this before he's not sure of the effect but judging by Xie Lian's eyes fixed on him, it seems to be working. Noticing that he's been caught staring, Xie Lian flushes bright pink and looks quickly away, sliding under the covers and rolling so that his back is to Hua Cheng.

Working hard not to chuckle, Hua Cheng folds his robe back into his bag then crosses the room to slide into the bed's other side, effectively putting himself back directly in the prince's line of sight. If that flusters Xie Lian at all, Hua Cheng isn't in any position to notice it as he's too busy taking in the strange soft almost floating feeling of the bed. If the carpet was an improvement over his usual floorboards then this is so far above it that he may as well have ascended to heaven. Will he even be able to sleep on something this soft?

"Are you alright?"

Xie Lian's question startled him out of his contemplation of the bedding.

"Perfectly." He rolled onto his side so that he is facing the Prince. "I'm just not used to the royal sleeping treatment." He says it teasingly but Xie Lian watches him with concern in his golden eyes. It's a strange feeling. Hua Cheng isn't used to people being concerned for him.

"I don't just mean the bed, I mean...." Xie Lian gestures vaguely with one hand. "All this, everything. You were just snatched away from your life and sent here to me. It must be hard."

Hua Cheng's eye widens. The Prince sounds so sincere, and it's... Can someone like Xie Lian really exist? Is he really the person that he seems to be? If he is... If all of this is really genuine then...

"Your highness..." Hua Cheng finds that he has to pause to swallow back a sudden unexpected wave of emotion. "You're right that I didn't want any of this but I can honestly tell you that this has still been one of the best days of my life."

Xie Lian's eyes search his as though looking for some deception but when he doesn't find any his expression softens. "Good, I mean I'm glad that you've enjoyed today. Please, if there's anything I can do to make you more comfortable, will you tell me?"

Hua Cheng considers the Prince for a long moment and then, slowly, he nods. "I will." And he realizes, to his surprise, that he actually means it. He realizes, to his surprise, that he actually does believe Xie Lian will care.

"Good." Xie Lian smiles. "I'm not used to sharing a bed with anyone so I have no idea if I toss and turn or hog the blankets."

Hua Cheng chuckles. "I'm sure your highness will be a pleasure to sleep with..."

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