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Combat training.

Why on Earth did I want to do extra combat training?

Drops of sweat fall down my body with a tingle, one catching on my eye that I swipe away but as I do...

Ghost throws another punch. "Never drop your guard, you should know that." He isn't even using much force but my whole body feels like it's on fire.

The 3 rules he gave me at the start were: no dodging, no talking back and, no leaving till I hit a decent punch.

It's been hours.

Thankfully, due to the exams, all classes have been decreased from 4 a week to 4 a month but this means that we have to take our preparation into our own hands. Or in my case, Ghost's fists.

Gasping for air, I hold a hand up – leaning on myself for a rest – as I beg for a rest. I can barely even hear from the extent my heart is beating in my head.

He nods. "Alright, König up for a match?" I don't get how he still has the energy to continue but he isn't even out of breath.

The training arena is quite plain. It's basically a hole in the ground – yellowy-grey concrete walls; about 5 meters deep and 10 meters wide with steps circling around – it's kinda like a theatre. It's on the northeast side of the oval. Since there are no classes, the mats aren't here so it's better not to hit the ground. I'm sure my grazed elbows, palms and knees would agree with that.

At least the steps work well as an uncomfortable seat.

Ghost and König have always been fairly equally matched. I used to just watch them for a show, but now I find myself watching their techniques.

Ghost's style is more defensive; he waits for König to strike and finds a weakness while he's off balance – sorta like I did the first match we had. Whereas, König relies more on his height and strength.

I watch as König throws another punch that is deflected and returned by Ghost, throwing him once again off balance. But this time, König drops to the ground – twisting around Ghost's legs – and throws him to the floor, pinning him down in place.

Unbeknownst to me, Ghost doesn't struggle against his grip. Instead, he seems to loosen his body in a sort of surrender.

König seems to get that vibe too.

I swear a blink and then Ghost is back on top of König, arm pressed against his throat but, König easily rolls over and gets up.

These two really are something. There's a giant grin on both their faces while I lean in, intensely focused on the match. I've watched them for a while; I know that either of them could win at any moment. It's just a matter of time.

Various other attacks are shared between the two and I find my heartbeat rising with anticipation. I've never been into matches of any sort before but... Watching these two spare for fun and for training is much better than the matches we have in class, probably because they're not gonna kill each other.

Ghost gets one good punch to the face in, temporarily stalling König long enough to get him in a headlock.

Seconds pass.




I watch as König struggles, his movements becoming more frantic.




His body stills and I watch Ghost drop him as he taps out.

For a moment, he just lays on the floor. The tension doesn't release as his chest rises and falls furiously until Ghost offers him a hand; he takes it with a smile, "Good match." Which is returned by a nod of Ghost's head.

I'm still staring by the time they make their way to my feet. Sweat and hot breath fill my senses as they tower over the top of me. Their presence is so large. Like hot and cold clashing for superiority yet neither winning.

"You're back up."


König slumps down next to me. "Good luck, Y/N."


With a groan, I roll my shoulders and stand up. My body still hurts but, at least I got a break, even if it was a small one.

There aren't many rules to sparring – no word go, only stop. Playing dirty isn't frowned upon either, it's encouraged. As soon as you get on the mat, you're fair game. Except for me, there's no mat.

Just as I get up, I duck to the damn floor and roll sidewards back to my feet. "Damn that was uncool," I whine as the smirk of Ghost's eyes gets on my nerves. The fucker threw a punch at me right away but, what should I expect?

Cockily, he turns to face me and waltz his damn way closer to me – dangerously closing distance I'd like to keep – but I let him.

I listen to his steps as I watch him dead in the eyes and with defiance in my eyes, I take a step forward. One step, then another.

His movement halts in surprise and I take the opportunity.

Dashing forward, I take the stupid, frontal approach and Ghost is quick to respond. However, I'm quicker, ducking around him and kicking his knees in.

He doesn't fall, but I refuse to back down. Throwing another punch, I watch Ghost's eyes grow with excited malice and my pulse spikes.

He's not holding back anymore.

I have no time to think, yet time still slows. I can't dodge, but I'm in no position to block. What do I do? What do I do? What do I-

Here goes nothing, all thoughts exit my mind. His fist continues towards me but I let my instincts take over.

I grab his wrist and pull my weight off the floor with it. Ghost's body wobbles and my arms ache as I use all of my upper body strength to manoeuvre mid-air, but I manage to flip up, over him as his weight continues to fall down.

Expectantly, he continues to fall to the floor as I gather my footing. However, unexpectedly he doesn't try to stop his fall.

I don't have enough time to react and he kicks my legs from underneath me. No, I wasn't thinking – observing – enough to react and I fall face-first to the ground.

My hands instantly come out to brace the fall but Ghost is up, arms around my waist. "Good job," his voice is raspy and tender. It's the first time he's praised me all day.

Heaving, I try to steady my breathing before talking yet, it still comes out and embarrassing, breathily, "Thank you."

"That's enough for today."

My body physically relaxes as I slump into his grip. Sweat coats the both of us head to toe but I'm too tired to care.

A/N: I'm so sorry for the delay in chapters, I will try to get back to posting regularly but I write inconsistently so please bear with me (I posted this during school lmfaoo).

Thank you for all the support and I hope you're getting yourselves ready <3.

13/02: Next update: 16th of Feb, 12:00 AM GMT+10

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now