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(A/N: Chapter suggests rape/sexual assault)

Walking into my room, my eyes dart to my bed as my limbs ache to crawl onto it. Even though I slept on the flight back, I'm still exhausted. At least we were given half the day off, I sigh.

Heading to the bathroom, I gently take off my corset – wincing every time I have to use my injured arm. Letting it fall to the floor, I dig through my pockets for the med supplies I packed, grabbing out the disinfectant.

Looking at the wound is enough to make me cringe. Dried blood is crusted throughout the opening as well as around it and my skin has a white-ish tint. It hurts, but I manage to treat the wound, reminding myself it's not the worst pain I've been through. Once it's clean, I wrap it in some new cloth and flop on my bed; leaving the bloody mess in the bathroom for future me to deal with.

I fall quickly into my dreams. Nightmares.

I'm back in the field, travelling alongside a group of soldiers – General Scar's men. I remember befriending them, as we helped each other escape an AQ base. We would laugh together, fight together and mourn together. Sure I was the only female and the only child, but they treated me like I was one of them. It's a new feeling for me, a nice one.

The scene shifts. They're celebrating a mission well done before they return to HQ. Everyone's drunk, it's chaos, but it's fun. It was fun. One of my comrades hands me a glass of lemonade – he must be sober enough to remember I can't drink. With a smile, I thank him and drink slowly.

All of them watch me deviously as I drink, and I start to wonder if they mixed it with alcohol – a stupid but typical prank they've pulled on me twice. My heartbeat rises as my vision blurs. They spiked it...

I stand up and stumble over on the ground. Fear creeping up my throat. I claw at the ground as I try to get out the door. They're laughing at me as I struggle.

The person who handed me the drink strolls up to me and grabs my shoulder, pulling me towards him...

My body surges up as I wake. Beads of sweat drip down my face. Curling into a ball, I cup my face as my body trembles at the memory. Blurry images flash through my mind. I want to claw my eyes out. It hurts. The memories, the feelings, I hate them. I hate that I'm so regularly reminded of them. Reminded of their blood on my hands. Of my naked body trembling. My breathing is the furthest thing from steady.

A knock on the door makes my soul jump out of my body. Worst fucking timing, I groan.

"Uh- One moment!" My voice breaks. Hastily, I grab a small jumper and chuck it over my head before heading to the door. Shit my mask! I head back to pick it up off my bedside table and cover my face. I take a few deep breaths, hoping to steady my still trembling body at least a little.

I open the door a few inches and stare through the crack. "Uh- König," I open the door a little more. "Do you need something?" I ask with the most polite tone I can manage at the current time, Which isn't very polite at all.

His eyes trace my body, making my skin crawl. This is the last thing I need right now, I feel an ache pull at my chest as I step back slightly. "You weren't at class," He states as though it were obvious. "I-" He hesitates, "I wanted to make uh- To make sure you're okay."

A wave of heat rushes to my face, He was concerned? "Y-Yeah I'm alright," I fib. My body relaxes at his voice, I hate how he has that effect on me. "I just-" I hesitate, "I fell asleep." It feels nice to be truthful to him, even though I just lied to him.

König steps back carefully, "Uh- If you want I can y'know- catch you up?" He waits for a moment, "Oh and- Ghost won't bother us. He said he's gonna go train," He assures me.

I don't want to be alone right now, I find my body craving company. His company. "Sure," I accept his offer with a smile.

Leaving the door open, I quickly scavenge through my room to get my notebook and pen. König waits patiently at the door, his eyes following me wherever I go. My heart flutters with excitement. It'll be nice to just relax with him, I doubt I'll actually need much help with the work but it's an easy excuse. "Ready," I confirm as I walk back to the door.

With a nod, König turns to lead me back to his dorm. Now that I think of it, How did he know where my room was? I decide it's no matter.

He keeps his strides smaller than normal, walking at my side. A few cadets snicker as they see us walking together, but he doesn't seem to mind. At least, I hope he doesn't mind.

Making it to König's dorm, he opens the door. Instantly, he puts his hand out in front of me, protectively. I go to speak when Ghost walks out the door.

"Sorry," He mumbles to König before he spots me. His eyes glaze over with a harsh hatred, "What are you doing with her?" He demands, getting up in König's face.

Rage boils in my stomach. "What's your problem with me!?" I demand impulsively.

König tries to grab him as he turns to me, walking up to my face. My rage is replaced with fear in an instant. "If you dare think I'm going to let you turn my best friend into another one of your victims, you're kidding yourself." I step back but he follows me – pinning me against a wall.

"Cut it out!" König's voice rattles with fear as he tries to get between Ghost and me.

Ghost ignores König, as though he were only a fly in his way. "I know what you did to the General's men," His voice is cold but quiet. "Do you think fucking men and then killing them is fun?!" He demands.

My eyes widen, It all makes sense now. "I- I didn't-" I can't speak the words. I want to scream, You're wrong. I repeat it in my head over and over as my anxiety rises, You're wrong! You're wrong! You're wrong!

"You're wrong!" I can't take it.

I bolt.

As tears stream down my face, I run like there's no tomorrow. Through the courtyard and off the oval. I run into the bushes surrounding the academy. My mind is a swirling mess. I feel like I'm going to throw up but I just keep running. Branches and rocks reach for my limbs, cutting through my clothing and into my skin. It stings. But it hurts less than Ghost's accusations. I run until my knees buckle. Until I'm completely lost in the thick of the forest.

Crawling to lean against a tree stump, I cling to my book and cry. Tears stinging the cuts on my cheeks. A pain I feel deserving of.

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin