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"König and Y/N!" I hear faintly as I stare into my newfound abyss. "Y/N!"

"Y/N!" Ghost shoves his knee in my back, forcing me out of my daze.

Ow, I wince. Shooting Ghost a warning glare before facing the centre of the room again. "Uh- Sorry Sir," an edge of panic creeps into my voice. I get up to walk onto the mat, trying to calm my rising heartbeat.

I force myself to recall the rules of these sparring matches. 1. No weapons allowed whatsoever. 2. Stepping, falling or stumbling off the mat results in disqualification – you instantly yield. 3. Once an opponent yields the fight ends.

Officer Rowan scoffs, "Just because you're the general's pet, doesn't mean you get to slack off." His voice is full of arrogance, making my fists curl. He continues, "Whatever he told you, know that you follow my orders now, Cadet."

Despite my annoyance, I drop my fists and nod my head.

Walking up onto the mat, I look up – and up – at my opponent. I groan internally, I'm so dead. König towers over me, I'm like half his height?! My body feels weak, it is weak, what am I going to do? I try to calm myself and decide, I'm not going to embarrass myself. I can do this. Stepping onto the mat, the officer yells, "Begin!"

He takes up a fighting stance, it's obvious that hand-to-hand combat is up his alley. Unfortunately for me, it isn't... But I can dodge. My eyes narrow on his, trying to read him through his mask but it is incredibly difficult. I can barely even look at his eyes. Enough, I tell myself, Just watch his movements.

With a swift jab, he throws a punch with incredible accuracy. Thanks to my instincts, my legs move on their own. His punch barely grazes my stomach but still, I stand my ground. My adrenaline kicks in, heightening my senses. He turns around quickly to throw another punch, but this time I dodge with ease, spinning my body sideways. He falls towards me slightly as he tries to redirect his weight and my eyes narrow in, an advantage. I know what I'm doing this time.

He strikes again. This time I take advantage of his size rather than cursing it, twisting my body around his arm and throwing him forward. Yes, excitement spreads through me.

He hits the mat with a large thump and I place my foot on his throat, gently but firmly. "Yield," I order, hoping I sound confident. In this position I can finally see his eyes, they are wide with shock. I try to maintain eye contact, slowly placing more of my weight on his throat.

His eyes narrow, grabbing my leg and pulling me over. I hit the mat sprawling as he shifts his body on top of mine, pinning me down. I struggle, Fuck this is so embarrassing. His grip is tight, it doesn't hurt but it's firm. Is he purposely not hurting me? I couldn't help but wonder.

"Yield," He mocks me, his eyes glaring at me intensely.

"Fuck you," I mumble as bring my legs up to my chest, using them to press against him.

In response, he presses his body down closer to mine, and my face flushes. Thank god we're required to wear masks, I find myself thinking. I let out a groan, I am distracted again. "Yield," He repeats. Suddenly he changes his voice to a low whisper as he glares at me, "Don't make me push you any harder." His voice seems more like a plea than anything.

My ego is in the way of that, I laugh. "I refuse to yield," my voice wavers though I try to fill it with confidence. I push my legs against him one last time before quickly curling them up to my face, kicking his chin upwards and rolling backwards. It worked, I'm surprised for a moment, but there's no time to hesitate. His grip loosens due to his shock – and probably pain – giving me enough time to swing around him and wrap my legs around his neck. I've got him in a headlock.

"Yield," I repeat. My breathing is harsh, but I don't have enough energy to care.

He struggles for a moment, trying to pull me off him but I simply tighten my grip, no longer caring about whether he can breathe or not.

Finally, He taps out.

I release my legs and gently stand up, locking my knees so I don't fall over. He sits up slowly and rubs his neck. Shit! Please tell me I didn't hurt him, I don't know why I care, but I do.

"Sorry," I wince and offer him a hand up. It takes all my remaining strength to not buckle as he takes my offer and stands up. I can feel the burning sensation from his eyes as though he's seeing right through me. It makes my hair stand up.

"You won't best me again," he speaks quietly and I realise, his words are only for me.

"Y/N is the winner," the officer says with a slightly disapproving tone. A slur of murmurs spread through the training area and I find myself incredibly embarrassed. They all watched that, I pinch myself.

Turning on my heel, I walk back to my seat and fall down onto it, thankful that I can finally rest. That match was probably only a minute or two, I think to myself. But it felt like 20... And it was exhausting.

"You almost had her," Ghost claps König on the shoulder.

"Yeah.." He mumbled back as he sat next to Ghost, he was diagonally back from me and I could still feel his gaze digging into my skin. It seems I've made a few more enemies today, I sigh.

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now