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König's POV:

"Y/N Yields," Officer Rowan announces. My heart pounds as I watch Hassan remain on top of her, That's against the rules!

Ghost stands up from beside me, striding towards them with his fists clenched. As much as I hate him right now, I can't help but want to thank him as I rush to catch up to him. Please be okay, I pray as we make our way to Y/N. It feels as though time has slowed.

Pulling Hassan off Y/N, Ghost throws him to the floor. He's fucking mad alright, I laugh before I lean over to Y/N as I watch Ghost repeatedly punch Hassan in the face. Turning my attention to her fully, my gut drops at her pale face. Panic surges into my throat, "Y/N!" My hands grasp her shoulders, gently shaking her for any response.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Terrified, I check for her pulse. It's there... Barely. I release a breath, picking her unconscious body up.

Ghost is being contained by Rowan as Hassan crawls away from him, his face bleeding profusely. His eyes lock with mine and I nod. Picking up my pace, I rush Y/N to the medical ward.


My leg taps furiously at the floor. Ghost sits next to me, holding an ice pack to his fist. "She's gonna be alright," He repeats, trying to calm both of us down. I hate this! I hate that I didn't move to help her sooner. I hate that I didn't force her to get a pass from the nurses when I saw she was injured the first time. I blame myself for this whole fucking stupid outcome.

"He didn't stop," I mumble as I point out the obvious. "He... Wanted to kill her," Horror fills my lungs as the words leave my lips.

Ghost scoffs, "I'm sure he's learnt his lesson."

"I'm not," I speak impulsively. "He-" I hesitate, wondering whether Y/N would appreciate me telling him or not. The feeling of her trembling body flashes through my mind.

Ghost turns to me, his eyes cold, "He?" His voice is filled with hatred – though the hatred isn't for me – it sends chills up my spine.

I breathe shakily, trying not to overthink. "He- He tried to jump her, on the first day," I admit. I was expecting him to get up and find Hassan again, but he took a deep breath, his eyes glazing over with his typical calmness. Honestly, I don't know what's scarier.

"Then she's in danger just being here," He decides. I wish that weren't so.

The curtains open and a nurse walks through, her eyes pained with concern. "She's awake," the nurse states before stepping out of the way, and gesturing for us to go in.

With caution, Ghost and I walk past the white curtains. The room is plain, a single bed lays in the centre. Y/N's awake. She sits upright on the bed and I laugh gently as I watch her squirm against all the tubes attached to her. She's alright, relief rushes through my veins. An assortment of bandages cover her delicate skin but still, she's alright. I repeat the words in my head till I can finally believe them, even though she's right here in front of me.

Turning to us, Y/N squeaks quietly. "Uh- Hi," Her voice breaks. She looks uncomfortable. I inch towards her – standing just in front of the bed – but Ghost hangs back, his head down. The sound of the curtains shutting startles me and Y/N laughs, seems the nurse is giving us some privacy at least.

"H-How're you feeling?" I stutter.

Y/N tilts her head, analysing me delicately... But intensely. My thoughts swarm as I try to shove down both my feelings and my stupid overthinking. Why isn't she answering? Did I say something wrong? I cascade into my doubts.

"Fine," Her pained voice snaps me back to reality. Back to her.

"Y/N," Ghost's voice sounds as though it's a warning. "From now on, don't go anywhere without König or myself," He orders. Y/N blinks, confusion crossing her face as she turns to me. Honestly, I'm surprised Ghost is willing to trust me with her, considering how protective he's become.

"Uh-" I realise she's waiting for me to say something, "I- It's for your safety." I hope that sounded at least a little confident.

She scoffs, "I can protect myself." 

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now