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Thankfully, I've finally recovered and am able to participate in all activities. My beloved monitors, however, still insist on watching me 24-fucking-7. It's to the point that I live with them now and everyone knows it, which is... Embarrassing. It's whatever though, they're my closest friends so I can put up with it.

Also, Hassan's left me alone. I'm not too sure why – though I did hear about Ghost punching his face in – but I have a nagging feeling Rowan did something. As grateful as I am, I still would've preferred to deal with it myself; especially since it's more likely Hassan's waiting till I'm alone or something.

Speaking of Rowan, he's summoned everyone in my year to the courtyard for an announcement – probably some new 'curriculum' that's going to be in place – and they're all looking nervous. I'm trying not to be.

Observing the mass of people, I notice that everyone's grouped in their typical groups; Hassan and his dogs are together, there's the group of girls who think they're better than everyone, two groups of guys I'm not particularly familiar with and 'my' group that I've somehow become the leader of.

This is one of the few times where this place might actually look like a normal school.

Annoyingly, all the guys from my mission a few months ago have simultaneously agreed that I need protection and formed a semi-circle around me and, though I don't think they realise, and it's definitely intimidating the other cadets with us.

Glancing nervously at me, Isobel – one of the quieter cadets – shows fear clear as day in her hazel eyes. She's tall and slim with short dark brown hair; good at hand-to-hand and infiltration but she's hopeless at planning things herself. Hopefully, she will learn to depend on herself. If not, well... I'd rather not go there.

With an encouraging nod, I move my attention towards Riley. His presence has been confusing the hell out of Ghost, funnily enough. Admittedly, he's not as broad or tall as Ghost or König, but he's got muscle on him; his dirty blond hair's pretty easy to spot considering most others dyed theirs brown or black and his brown eyes always have a cheeky spark to them. He'll be fine.

Rowan clears his throat – catching everyone's attention while simultaneously silencing them – as he goes to start. "Cadets," letting the moment drag out for dramatics, Rowan stops for a while. Some cadets shift ontheir feet, letting the anxiety get to them. It's a typical – and stupid –military tactic if you ask me; it's not like Rowan can catch everyone who showssigns of intimidation, but those he does are in for some fun. 

Finally, he continues, "Your teachers and myself have decided that it's time for your midyear exams. As for what those exams are: you don't get told till the day of. Cadets are required to pass at least three out of the four tasks in order to continue otherwise, you will have the chance to repeat next year." A few whispers and groans get snuffed out by the look on the officer's face before he resumes, "Each exam is spread one month apart. Good luck... And try not to die." With that, he glares in my direction and quickly turns on his heel – leaving the cadets to mumble between each other with no clue what to do now.

I sigh and mumble under my breath, "Fucking helpful." I think Riley's sarcasm has infected my tone, but he seems to find it amusing. Leave it to him to find someone's annoyance entertaining.

Ghost grunts and shuffles, looking keen to go back to his dorm while the others just stare at me for direction.

"What?" I initiate coldly since none of them seem willing.

Soap sacrifices Keegan, shoving him into the circle. "Oh- uh," he stutters before turning to look back at Soap. I'm a little disappointed I missed whatever face he made but watching Soap flinch is still priceless. "Do you have any idea what the exams will be?" He finally asks and everyone else seems to lean in closer to me.

Not just my friends. The question turned a lot of heads and the silence seems to be setting again. Luckily, I'm not stupid enough to think nothing of it.

"Maybe," I lie and turn on my heel. Making my way to my new dorm, I'm painfully aware of the people following me – some more obvious than others.

"C'mon," Riley sulks as he catches up to my pace. "Why won't you tell us?"

"I will," I lower my voice to a whisper as I catch a glimpse of one of Hassan's dogs around a corner. I'm being fucking stalked again, great.

Finally deciding to catch up with me, Ghost walks at my side silently, but close. We walk further in silence, approaching Ghost, König and my dorm. "They can ears drop through the door, y'know?" He warns me gently and opens the door to our dorm. But I'm already aware of that, but they can't ears drop if I don't say anything. Noticing my expression, I feel him smirk. I have a plan and he knows it.

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora