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Y/N's POV:

"I can protect myself," I scoff impulsively. I'm terrified, in all truth. The thought of them looking out for me is comforting, but I refuse to be a burden on them.

Ghost decides to finally walk up to me, looking me up and down. "Can you?" His voice is painfully harsh. I wince, both at my pain and his words. My head drops and I release a sigh, glancing at my injured body. How am I supposed to survive out there if I can't even survive this stupid playschool?! I don't think I've ever felt more weak and helpless – well, aside from one other time.

I know how weak my body is, but in the past, I've always been able to scoot around it. Anything to survive. I trained and trained and trained till I could barely move – speed, stamina, agility, endurance – focusing wholly on my strengths. But ignoring my weaknesses has come to bite me in the ass.

Noticing my defeat, Ghost inches closer to me. Taking my hand from my view. The heat of his hand spreads through mine and I look up at him. I have no clue what emotions show in my eyes, but whatever they are, it softens him. "I want you safe," His tone is softer and incredibly quiet. The skin around his eyes reddens slightly in the spots where his makeup wavers, probably due to sweat. I hold eye contact, hoping my face isn't reddening too, but the urge to look away is clawing at me.

The nurse comes back in, apparently not alone, causing both Ghost and König to flinch. Dropping my hand, Ghost backs away, like he's running away from some incurable sickness or something. My eyes widen as I notice who came in alongside the nurse, and I can no longer blame him.

"R- Officer Rowan," I catch myself and bow my head in a greeting. He flicks his wrists, shooing everyone else out of the room. Ghost lingers dangerously, looking into my eyes with worry. I blink in surprise, still unsure what he thinks of me. He's an ass, but I think he cares, Most of the time. Assuring him, I force a smile with my eyes and nod gently at the door. He closes his eyes slowly – as if debating whether to obey orders or not – but even though I can't see the conflict in his eyes, I know damn well it's there. A heavy moment passes before he turns to leave the room.

Watching him leave, my stomach churns as I force my attention back to Rowan. I bet I'm in trouble for something. That or he's here to tell me how pathetic I am, I scoff at myself.

"Why didn't you tell me you were injured?" He demands, though his voice is much softer than usual. It's still harsh though. I'm caught off guard and a flash of shock crosses my face – not that I expected him to visit me in the first place – but I quickly assume he's just here to check on me in place of Scar. I've had enough surprises today to find out that he somehow cares about me too.

I blink before collecting myself. "I- I didn't want to cause any trouble," I half lie. Subconsciously, I start to chew on my bottom lip.

Rowan's eyes analyse me, unsatisfied with my answer. He looks me up and down, his eyes catching on the tubes that connect to my wrist. I fight the impulse to cover them... Or rip them out like I tried as soon as I woke up. The IV fluids have quickly stabilised my condition – according to the nurse – but they itch and are incredibly uncomfortable. "How bad is it?" He breaks his silence.

Why do you care? I bite my tongue. I know I shouldn't blame him for this but, I hate that he willingly chose to put me against Hassan and it had to be at my lowest point. He knew we were on bad terms. "I'm okay," I lie again through my gritted teeth.

The nurse comes in to check on my condition, probably overhearing the conversation because she has to open her big mouth. "Her injuries aren't severe, but considering the quantity – plus being knocked out – it couldn't have been good for her. She will recover in time, but for now, no intense physical activities for at least a month." She speaks calmly whilst checking my vitals, ignoring my obviously insignificant presence. Gently, she grabs my wrist and pulls the needles out. Wincing at the pain, I feel my body tense. Unaffected by my discomfort, she wraps my wrist in a bandage and I'm suddenly much more comfortable, aside from the itch on my wrist that I can't scratch. I know better. I would be annoyed at the nurse's inconsideration but I'm probably itching to get out just as much as she wants me gone – mutual hatred I guess.

Rowan nods gently at the nurse's words, "When should she be able to leave this room?"

"About now," She clips.

I'm relieved at the thought of escaping this sterilized jail. To lay in my own bed. The nurse hands me a packet of pills – painkillers – probably a month's worth. She looks as though she's trying to hide her annoyance in front of Rowan, but I can see it clearly in her eyes.

As I climb off the bed, Rowan offers me his arm to steady myself. It is an odd gesture from him; like a gentleman walking beside his lady kinda gesture, but it's helpful. I'm cautious not to put all my weight on him, but walking is still quite difficult. He doesn't ask what happened, which is grateful for, but he also doesn't exactly apologise for letting Hassan choke me half to death. I doubt he's ever apologised for anything.

Waiting for me, Ghost leans against a nearby wall outside. I'm handed over to him like a small child and Rowan leaves without a word, his cold and stern expression returning. Supporting me, just as Rowan had, Ghost guides me back to the dorms – or more specifically – his dorm.

The door is opened for me, Ghost holds it as I hobble inside. I see König's hunched over a book and it makes me smile, He's still struggling with warfare tactics eh? Observing gently, I notice his mask is still on, making me wonder if either he was expecting me... Or if König and Ghost don't take their masks off, even when they're in their dorm together.

His eyes flash up as I walk towards him, walking slowly in an attempt to hide my limp. Stumbling a little, he quickly gets up to guide me to the chair, placing his arm around my waist. Heat rushes to my face as the warmth of his hands seeps into my skin, but that warmth depletes the moment he lets go.

Hauling another chair to the table, Ghost sits between us and places his book on the table. "König tells me you're a good tutor," His voice is masked with arrogance, just as his face. His words are a statement, not a question, but I know what he means.

I laugh gently, a smile tugging at my lips. "What would I get out of helping you?" I fill my tone with a teasing sweetness, testing how far I can push him before he gets annoyed. I don't help König cause he helped me that one time, but it is a nice excuse to spend time with him.

"Anything you want."

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)Where stories live. Discover now