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My whole body aches as I hobble to the training room. I'm exhausted. All day, my egos had me pretend to be completely fine while I can barely even fucking walk. Slowly making my way to combat class, I finally consider actually going to the nurse. I groan internally and sit down.

"You alright?" Ghost's voice is quiet as he falls down on the chair next to me. I nod, hoping he hasn't been watching me all day like König has. It's kinda getting creepy, I shiver as the familiar feeling of eyes dawns upon me. König enters the room.

Rowan walks into the room, bringing along the dead of silence. "Y/N and Hassan," He declares the first dual. I'm so dead, I look longingly at the medical ward.

Ghost stands up, frightening me. "She can't!" He protests, catching everyone's attention. My frustration from the whole day boils into anger. Standing up, it takes all my strength to not stumble and I walk my injured ass onto the mat.

Hassan towers over me – which most of the men here are probably capable of – and smirks through his mask. He leans over in my ear and whispers, "Let's see how you do without your precious General to save you." He mocks me.


Analysing me, Hassan somewhat circles around me, forcing me to turn to watch him. My ankle twinges at every movement on the foam of the mat. The odds couldn't be less in my favour.

Sick of waiting, Hassan charges at me as though he was a fucking bull. It would be funny... If I had the ability to move fast enough to dodge. Scrambling out of the way, pain surges up my whole leg before I feel the impact of Hassan's body on my side. I fall to the floor. My ears ring with the sound of my heartbeat. Taking the clear advantage, Hassan pins my body beneath him, placing all his weight on my chest. My eyes widen. Struggling to breathe, panic creeps up into my throat. His hands press my wrists into the mat and, it's then I realise that even if I wanted to, I physically can't yield.

Looking up into his eyes, they glint with amusement. I feel my head lighten as my oxygen is further cut off. I gasp, trying to find my voice – it's not there.

"Y/N Yields," Rowan announces with an unreadable tone.

My head is fussy. I can't even tell if Hassan's moved or not. It takes all of my strength to keep my eyes open, What's going on? I wonder as my vision blurs.

The pressure on my chest is suddenly lifted. I hear muffled yelling as I try to sit up but I have no strength. Lifelessly, my body falls down against the mat as my vision goes black. The feeling is somewhat peaceful. Even the unbearable pain has ceased.

"Y/N!" A muffled voice yells as I vaguely feel hands grip my shoulders.

A/N: Apologies for the shorter chapter I couldn't figure out how to drag it out </33

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