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"Need to let some anger out, eh?" His voice is full of amusement.

I force my body to move. Turning to face Scar, I notice Hassan gripping his throat, his eyes full of rage as he lets out a scoff, "How 'bout that bet?" I ignore him. This isn't about the fact that I broke the rules, it's about how amusing the general finds my anger. He fucking loves it.

Scar aims his gun towards me, cadets scatter away – even König runs for cover – and chaos breaks out. Screams and gasps riot. I stand ready in position, this is all just a game to him. The general smirks and pulls the trigger. A loud bang echoes through the room as the bullet is released straight towards me. My heartbeat couldn't be more calm. Swiftly, I raise my knife, forcing it to clash with the bullet; the familiar force of the contact flowing through my arms.

"Very well done Bunny," He nods with approval as he walks towards one half of his bullet on the ground, picking it up to observe my work. A murmur spreads through the courtyard and I finally turn my attention to my surroundings.

My seniors – alongside my fellow first years – glare at me. It feels as though the thousands of eyes are pointed at me like lasers. They are definitely glaring at me, not the general. Anxiety crawls up my throat at the feeling. Spotlight isn't my thing.

"Y/N!" Officer Rowan screams at me as he pushes through the crowd, "Harming a fellow cadet is-"

General Scar raises a hand to silence him, "She's excused." His tone is so powerful. I knew this would happen – hell I wanted this to happen. I wanted Hassan to bite his own tongue off knowing I was untouchable. But now all I feel is vulnerable. It feels as though everyone who stares at me, sees only a target. I knew they hated how the general favours me but... I'm so fucked. I have lost all my dignity within seconds.

I force my head to stay upheld, "Thank you, General." It takes every inch of my self-control to not cuss him out. Sure he'd let me, but I shouldn't. Not here and now at least.

He smirks, "Oh don't thank me yet, little Rabbit." He strides towards me, closing the distance in a mere 3 seconds. His eyes narrow in on mine, "The seniors have their missions." He announces, "Since they're more experienced, they have the harder tasks." He continues his announcement in front of the whole school, "However, since numbers are tight. Y/N will be leading a small group of first years." He leans in to whisper in my ear, "Choose your men well."

I curse my fucking luck. At least I get to pick members, I mutter to myself as I fall into the depths of planning.

"Why Y/N??" One of the third years complains, calling me out of my thoughts. "They're just a first year! Stop picking favourites!" Bold fucking move dumbass, questioning General Scar is one thing, accusing him – even if you're completely right – is a death wish.

Scar walks up in his face, "Y/N has more experience than any cadet here." He turns to speak to the rest of the school, but faces me directly. "They've killed several of my best men before becoming a cadet," He brags. "I doubt she even needs a team, but the rookies need a leader. A ruthless role model. Now, dismissed!"

With that, everyone quickly leaves the courtyard. Everyone but me. I have to admit, as much of a jerk Scar is, he's good at playing up his assets. My mind is a fuzzy mess, everything that's happened, happened so fast – too fast. And now I'm supposed to lead a mission? With first years? "This is ridiculous," I scoff at Scar.

He shrugs, "This is our best bet." I nod with a sigh, hearing the words he hasn't spoken: "We're out of options." I turn to leave, I have class but I'd rather prepare a list of possible allies for the mission. "If anyone can do it, you can. There'll be a briefing tomorrow morning, I'll make sure they tell you everything there. Now get to class," He speaks with less authority than he did when the whole school was around, but it's still a command. I hate commands, I scoff.


Class has already started, I curse myself for getting caught up in my thoughts during the walk. Quietly, I cross through the paths and chairs to get to my seat. The teacher doesn't call out, nor does she scold me, but that doesn't stop everyone else from looking at me.

"Perfect timing," Miss Erwood snaps everyone's attention back to the front. Fuck she's gonna call on me, I think as I sit down in my seat. "Since we're on the topic of your mission's area, why don't you answer Y/N?" I can't see her face from this far away, but I'm sure she just raised an eyebrow at me.

I clear my throat, "My apologies, but could you please repeat the question?" I pray for the target on my back to disappear.

"Very well," Her voice pities me. "If a member of your team is caught by the enemy, what is the best course of action?"

I consider my answer for a moment. Usually, I would always confidently announce that no members are left behind, but this is class and that means there are limited answers that are deemed worthy of praise. No move can be made without a reason related to the mission; mercy and humanity have no place here.

"Depending on the resources available and the amount of men," I speak with confidence I currently don't have. "I would organise a rescue party, as well as a party to complete the mission. All members of the team would have information, therefore it's a security risk if a member is in the enemy's custody. Furthermore, the rescue party would serve as a small and predictable distraction so that the main party could complete the mission with less resistance," I pray my answer is at least enough for her to leave me alone.

Miss Erwood is silent for a while and mutters spread around the room like wildfire. "We're taught that rescuing hostages is a waste of time, remember?" Ghost nudges me gently. His straightforward tone surprises me slightly as there is no tease – nor arrogance – in it.

"Very well, good luck on your mission Cadet." She finally speaks, shutting up all the other students. Thank fuck, I sigh softly. I swiftly find it stupid that I was stressed over a simple theoretical question when I'll be going to the battlefield in a day. I must really be a naive cadet, I scoff at myself.

A/N: Since I have a ton of chapters to post rn I'm gonna change the schedule to once every 2 days but I'll probably change it again depending on how quickly I finish new chapters.

Bloodied Bunny || Ghost x Konig x Reader (she/her)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن