1.7: The Greater Good

35 2 0

37% bond.

"That could be the inhibitor, right?" Adult Jamari asks

"Yeah, it's not a great bond." Muri says

"It's something, isn't it?" Dan asks

"It's something. It's gonna have to be a lot stronger so that the female doesn't break down that toxin, but it is a great start." Muri says

"It's a start." Dan says

"I'll give you that." She says

49% bond.

"The Miami Dolphins ever win the Super Bowl?" Dan asks

"Do you really want to know?" Muri asks

"Yeah." Dan says

56% bond.

"What year, specifically, and what was the spread?" Dan asks

She laughs.

68% bond.

The Whitespike begins groaning.

"Jesus." Dan says, "Once you figure out this toxin, do you have a way of deploying it?"

"Well, I have a solution. But, uh, you know, it's not really worth talking about it until I know that this thing works for sure." She explains

"Understood. Yeah. You got a lot of work to do. I'll just... I'll make dinner." Dan says

"You know, there's another Sabbath coming up tomorrow." She asks

Dan looks at his Jumplink, "Yeah. I know. That's when I leave." He responds

Adult Jamari raises his eyebrow and turns to his younger self who shrugs, "Right. It's a... a big day all around, I guess." She says as she goes back to testing

"I want to help." Dan says

"It's okay. You know, it's, um... just kind of a one-person job anyway." Muri says

"Muri. Your mom would be really proud of you right now. I know I am. Good night, Chickpea." He says leaving

Adult Jamari turns around and sees his father, "So...How do I die?" Aaron asks

"You die...after a white spike knocks you to the ground...you fight till your last breath until you're ganged up on and devoured by a gang of white spikes." A. Jamari says

"Wow...sounds like me..." Aaron says

"I always think...maybe if...if I was strong enough...fast enough, I could kill them all and save you...but I've always been stuck like...this...without any help...dad...that kid in there, past me...he can kill the queen he has far more potential then I'll ever have in my million years of life...he'll go through hardships, he'll lose people...but, he stays strong throughout it all, but he needs a person to look up to...a person to teach him, ok?" A. Jamari asks

"Jamari what're you trying to say?" Aaron asks

"We're on borrowed time, no matter what you do get me and the toxin back to your time...it's too late for everyone in this one, understand?" A. Jamari says

"Hey, I don't care if your colonel, Sergeant, Lieutenant...Captain America...your my son, and I'm not gonna let you die here...if it takes my last breath..." Aaron says

"Your last breath should be focused on him, not me...it may not look it now dad...but he is more powerful then I'll ever be in my billion years of life." A. Jamari says, Aaron raises his eyebrow, "We age slow yeah."

Just then Jamari and Adult Jamari hear something from literal miles away, Jamari runs in as the alarm blares.

"White spikes they breached!" Jamari shouts

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