1.3: Future

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"You can braid each other's hair later.
All right, stop talking. Listen." Dorian says

"Take the stick out your..." Jamari begins before his father covers his mouth

"Totally. Uh, sorry. I-I mean, when I'm nervous, I talk, and..." Charlie says as he begins to stammer, "On a scale of one to ten, I'm like a 97 on the nervous scale. Or maybe a... like a 98. You look like a murderer. No offense. Well... I mean, you do, so..."

"He will kill you before the aliens do." Jamari says

"I know. I called him a murderer." Charlie says

"T-Turn around, man." Dorian says

"I am." Charlie says as he stammers more

"Does anyone have any questions?" Hart asks

"I missed all of that." Charlie says

In The Same Room Jamari, Aaron, Charlie and Dan stand with each other, "You know that guy in the red shirt? His name's Dorian. He's one of the sole survivors of the first jump to Russia. This is his third tour." Charlie says

"What?" Dan asks

"Yeah. You see that claw around his neck?
That is supposed to be from one of the first Whitespikes ever killed." Charlie explains as the female flips them off "He's flipping us off."

"I think she's flipping you off." Jamari says

"She?" Charlie asks before he looks down and sees that is in fact a female, "Oh. That's my bad."

"What'd you do before all this?" Dan asks

"Well, I was department chair at Georgia Tech. Doctorate in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Now I'm director of R and D at Wallace Technology. We're the fastest-growing geothermal energy company in the U.S." Charlie says

"Oh, wow." Jamari says

"Okay, so I have, like, a theory." Charlie says, The rest of the group tunes in, "Have you noticed how all of us... Or at least most of us... Are, like, over 40 and you're just a damn child?"

"Yeah. You're thinking that, in order for the time jump to occur, we have to be dead in the time we're jumping to?" Dan asks Charlie nods.

"I mean, I imagine it's to... to avoid some sort of paradox." Jamari says

"Which would lead me to believe that's why the people training us are so young." Charlie says

"They haven't been born yet." Aaron realizes

"I think we're gonna be best friends." Charlie says

"Yeah!" Jamari shouts

"Welcome to R-Force, also known as Research Force. You'll be joining your counterparts in 2051 at a fortified research facility. Your function is to add your knowledge and skill set to theirs and prevent our extinction." Lead Guy 1 explains

"Excuse me. Why don't we just jump back to earlier in the war?" Norah asks

"The Jumplink doesn't work that way." Lead Guy 1 says

"Jumplink?" A Guy asks

"It's the temporal displacement device housed in a fortified location in the middle of the ocean, and it's what makes all your armbands work." Lead Guy says

"Time only flows in one direction. It's like a river. The Jumplink placed two rafts on that river, 30 years apart. Now, we can jump back and forth between them, but both rafts will always keep moving forward." Hippie Lead Guy Says

"So, why can't we just build more rafts?" Charlie asks

"The Jumplink tech is held together with chewing gum and chicken wire. We've barely managed to make one very rudimentary wormhole. If we weren't in an extinction-level event, we'd still be jumping lab rats." Lead Guy says, "Now, we can jump you to 2051, and we can jump you back. Period."

"Every six days, the Whitespikes disappear.
They crawl back into their nests." Hart says

"We call it the Sabbath. Their day of rest.
And that's when we insert troops." Lead Guy says

"Okay, but why don't we have pictures or video?" Norah asks, "You know, it would help us to know what we're up against."

"The consensus was that if the public saw what they'd face when they reach the future, it would become virtually impossible to fill that hangar." Hart says

"Okay, cool. Next time someone asks that, you should probably just lie." Norah says

Everyone is preparing, Jamari sits on his bed and his father sits infront of him.

"Look at you...are you pumped?" He asks

"Dad I'm fine." Jamari says

"Your mother is still...beyond words pissed off at me so...that'll be fun to go home to." Aaron says

"She will yell at both of us." Jamari says

The two of the chuckle at their shared fates when they get home, Hart walks over and she sits next to Aaron, "J, you say the word and I promise you...you can go home." She says

"I'm fighting for the future if it's the last thing I do." Jamari says

Hart smiles and the two hug as the alarm blares, she quickly breaks away from Jamari, "All right, people! Let's go! This is not a drill! Move your bodies! Let's go! This is not a drill!" She shouts

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. What's going on? I thought we had seven days." Dan asks

"The world doesn't end on a schedule." Hart says

"Uh, well, we're not ready for any kind of deployment. We don't even know what we're going on to do." Charlie says

"You'll get your assignment in the LZ. Stay on comms. You'll be contacted as soon as you land." Hart says

"Some of these guys are very green. Do they all need to go? Why can't some of them stay here and train some more?" Dan asks

"The research facility is under attack.
It's the last lab left studying the White spikes. If it's lost, the war is lost." She says walking off

"Commencing countdown protocol.
One minute to jump." A Female Voice says

Whirring and Electricity crackling is heard as a malevolent purple energy surges up, "Ooh Purple..." Jamari says

"Be prepared for a drop. The Jumplink will drop you five to ten feet above the ground." Diaz says

"That should be fun." Jamari says

"30 seconds." Diaz says, "Weapons up."

Dan notices Charlie struggling with his gun, "Oh, here. Come on. Take that, and just flip it around like that." Dan says putting the clip in

"Makes sense." Charlie says

"And that's your safety." Dan says cocking it back and pointing to the safety button

"Okay. How do you know how to do all this stuff, man? How are you so calm?" Charlie asks

"Long story." Dan says

"What, are you, like, ex-military?" Charlie asks

"Yeah. Kind of a short story, I guess." Dan says

"20 seconds. Tuck position." A female orders

Everyone does as she said, "Where are we going?" An extra asks

"Miami Beach." Dorian says

"Of course it had to be a beach." Charlie says

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Launch." An Engineer says as everyone flies right into the wormhole.

"Lieutenant, something's wrong with the output coordinates. Should we abort?" An Engineer asks

Jamari is quickly materialized into nothing went then soawned back in the air, he screams as he falls.

Few survive, having accidentally been dropped high above the city. Jamari tries to land in the pool but he lands hard on his side instead.

He groans and gets up patting himself off and looks over the barren wasteland that is the future.

The True King Of MonstersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora