Chapter 58: The Meet Up

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Anna looked at the time which said 11:30. The meet-up was at midnight so she had 30 minutes to rot.

"30 minutes left.." Anna says and walks to her balcony "Let me try to find his room before I start jumping to random rooms"

She looked to the balcony below her "That must be Crystal's"

"Indeed it is," A familiar voice said

Anna turned to see Crystal "Huh? How did you get here?!".

Crystal shrugged and sat on  Anna's bed "Nice room,"

"Thanks," Anna replied

"What were you and your um.."friends" Planning?" Crystal asked slightly suspicious

"Nothing.  Why?" Anna responds. "Well, I heard a plan to search the Island," Crystal says with a smirk.

"Search the Island?" Anna scratched the back of her neck "Hehe. I have no clue of what you're talking about"

"Don't play dumb with me" Crystal smirk fades as she lays back down "Anyway. I wanted to ask if there is room for one more"

"No!" Anna yells then quickly realizes "I mean there is no plan to meet up" 

Crystal thought for a moment "Hm. If I go to the master of the fire's room...Will I see the master of lightning, earth, and energy?"

Anna sighed "Fine...."

Crystal smiled "Good.. If I may ask. why are you doing this?"

"To find our friend, Zane, if Chen wasn't giving us bullshit then he must be on the Island," Anna says

"Okay," Crystal said unamused, "So you entered this tournament to find him? is he like your friend, or brother or something like that"

Anna nodded then said with determination in her voice "You could say that. he was my friend, brother, and teammate, I would do anything to get him back" 

"I used to have a friend like that.." Crystal smiled looking like she was remembering a nice moment "She was blonde too, and she was smart and strong."

Anna raises both eyebrows knowing Crystal's friend looks a lot like her.

Crystal finished her sentence with "She died" 

Anna choked on her own spit "She died?! How?!" 

Crystal had small tears form in her eyes "In a fire...Helping me escape" She laid back down on the bed

"I'm so sorry," Said Anna with her tone low and soft.

"Don't be. It's not your fault" Crystal says then sits up "I also wanted to apologize for betraying you like that"

Anna leaned back in her chair "Well. you didn't what you had to do"

Crystal nodded "Yeah. I did".

Looking at the time, Anna stood up "I better get going"

"Wait, Can I come with you?" Crystal asked

"No," Anna responds firmly 

Crystal smirked "You know...I wonder what would happen if I told Chen that your breaking a rule, Then I could already eliminate 4 people from the tournament making it easier for me to win"

"Okay, Okay, Okay," Anna said "You can come. Just, keep your mouth shut"

Crystal made a happy smile "My lips are sealed"

( ̄y▽, ̄)╭ ( ̄y▽, ̄)╭ 

At midnight, Kai opens his door to let Lloyd and Cole in. However, Jay came in right when Skylor went to her balcony. Kai pushes Jay to prevent Skylor from seeing him and also causes Jay to yell.

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