Chapter 56: The Invitation

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Jumping from roof to roof, trying not to get spotted. At midnight in a full moon. She landed in a dark alleyway, and lowered her mask, "Huh?" she saw lit candles with a card and a fortune cookie. Walking near it, she picked up the card, unfolded it, and read it "Dear Master of Crystal, Master Chen has invited to to his one and only to tournament of elements. Do you accept this offer?". 

She narrowed her eyes, taking a few moments to think, she let out a sigh, crushed the card, and threw it away, "Waste of paper and time" she scoffed, and placed her black hair that faded into dark purple behind her ear. She then picked up the fortune cookie and broke it,

 "Do you wish to find the source of-" After reading it, she gasped "I don't believe this" she uttered, "Well there is only one way to find out," she turned the letter in the fortune cookie which revealed the location, "Ninjago, huh?" she quickly left and grabbed her bag. "If this is a prank, I'm gonna blow".


In a jungle, Lloyd attacks a few Nindroids and enters a cave, "Ninja, go!" He uses Spinjitzu on the Nindroids. Then a rock came rolling at him, He tied a rope around him and dropped to a safe-like place, he tried to reach the armor, but it disappeared.

"You got closer than I thought you would. But then again, I didn't think you'd be quite so rough on my security droids." Cyrus says as Lloyd walks over to them "If I can't steal the Golden Armor, I'd be surprised if anyone else could. It's secure, but where is the real one?" Lloyd asked

"Some secrets are best kept safe," Cyrus responds

"Lloyd, where are the other ninja? I asked for all of you to take part in this test." Wu said 

Lloyd scratched his hair making it quite messy "Uh, they, uh, they really wanted to be here, but they, uh...all had other plans."

"I understand perfectly well. The loss of Zane has affected us all. I haven't even heard a word from my assistant P.I.X.A.L. since his memorial. It's heartbreaking." Cyrus sighs sadly

"If we dwell too long on what's missing, we fail to see what can be gained. The absence of Zane will either tear you four apart or bring you closer together. The choice is yours." Wu explains, "I'll do what I can, but it won't be easy."  Lloyd says with a frown

Wu then said, "The greatest lessons never are."


Jay walks onto a stage for a game show.

"Most Ultimate Extreme Ninja Challenge Ever!" The crowd cheers

Jay held the mic close to his mouth  "I'm Jay, Ninjago's most lovable ninja." 

"He's the most loveable ninja" A kid the the crowd asked and their friend shrugged in reply

"Here before the Gauntlet of Humility to see who will be Ninjago's next hero, and whose dreams will be gone, in a flash!" He uses his Lightning to reach a platform then cathes the mic with he threw "I'm here with Cathy, tireless mother of four, pillar of the PTA, and returning contestant. Tell me, Cathy, after being humbled by the Gauntlet the first time, what makes you think this'll be any different?" 

"Because ninja never quit!" Cathy yells in the mic

Jay laughs, quite uncomfortable "Okay, Cathy. Start the doomsday clock!"

Cathy makes it across the obstacle course, but falls when she was nearly done "Heh, I got farther than last time!" She exclaims and the word cheers (After the show, Jay made it back to his dressing room.

"Ninja never quit, huh, Zane?" Jay says and looked at a photo of all eight of them

"The team needs you now more than ever." a familiar voice uttered

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