Chapter Thirteen

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Carol had just settled into the flow of working and put River to the back of her mind when she heard a knock at her door, looking up to see Gary at her door. He had a very worried look on his face, her mind went straight to River and was suddenly worried about her.

"Come in and close the door." Carol told him, needing to know what is wrong.

"I have a message from River." Gary said, sitting down at the desk.

"Is she alright?" Carol asked, needing to know she was ok.

"Yes, she is ok. But you aren't and River needs you not to do what you are thinking of doing, you are being watched by Mr Bradley." Gary answered, passing on the message.

"How?" Carol asked, not understanding how River knew what she had been doing.

"River found out that Mr Bradley has been spying on you and River, sending emails to Miranda and she knows how you feel about each other. Well, he suspects an inappropriate relationship but has no proof yet and whatever you did will give him the proof they need, you need to be careful Stephens. I know you want to be with River, but you need to back off and I will tell you when it is safe to contact River. Can you stop whatever you did?" Gary answered, letting her know she wasn't safe.

"How did River know I did something?" Carol asked, being clearer in her question.

"Let's just say she is protecting you and no I can't be any clearer. You are scary, but River is scarier when it comes to protecting you and I don't want to die." Gary answered, scared of River and hoping she would move on.

Despite Carol being pissed that River was spying on her, she felt loved at the same time and Gary did look scared. Knowing River and her hacking skills, she probably hacked her. Carol would have to be more careful in what she does on the computer. However, being angry at Mr Bradley for spying and reporting on her, telling Miranda that her feelings were inappropriate. Though she was glad that he had no solid evidence to report. What an ass Carol thought to herself and then felt a little sorry for him as she was sure River would have her revenge on him.

"Do you know what River has planned for him?" Carol asked, not sure she wanted to know.

"No but knowing her it's gonna be good and by not knowing we are safe from suspicion." Gary answered, it was safer to be ignorant of what River does.

"So, River knows what I do on my computer?" Carol asked, thinking of sending her a message.

"Stephens, do you really want to piss River off for not listening?" Gary answered, shaking his head at her. "Do not under any circumstances reach out to River and behave yourself. But if you really want to get a message to her, tell me and that is all understand."

"Fine, tell her we are not giving up on her and when it is safe, we will join her in England." Carol said, playing by River's rules.

"Good and consider it done, please behave yourself because I am the one who gets spicy River." Gary told her, knowing River would kill him.

"I promise to be an angel." Carol answered, rolling her eyes, and drawing a halo with her finger. "It's nearly recess, go to the library and you are welcome."

Gary didn't need to be told twice and got up to go to the library, he hadn't had the chance to tell his future husband everything. But first he called River to let her know he passed the message on and after that he practically ran to the library to see Mr Brown. When Gary got to the library Mr Brown was helping a student and Gary pouted as he wanted to have him to himself. However, when Mr Brown looked over at him and smiled brightly at him, Gary's heart skipped a beat. That made everything better and Gary dropped his bag in Mr Brown's office, collecting the books to be put on the shelves. Gary did this until the recess bell rang and was confused by Mr Brown ushering all the students out of the library, saying the library will be closed for recess. Gary grabbed his bag, feeling sad they couldn't hang out and chat.

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