If that's the case, maybe he has a girlfriend.

Someone his age should have one.

He should have one.

But anyway, it's all unrelated to him.

So what if he has one?

What's so great about that?

Jimin's mind becomes even more confused, and in the midst of his confusion, he accidentally drops the bowl he was holding, creating a loud noise.

Taehyung finishes his phone call and notices Jimin's clumsiness. He looks at him and says, "How could you get so worked up over watching a cartoon?"

Jimin turns off the television.

Taehyung sighs and asks, "Did the happy episode get ruined by the big bad wolf?"

Jimin finally denies, "I'm not watching that thing."

Taehyung also loses interest, finishes his water bottle, and reminds Jimin, "If you still want to watch, just lower the volume. I'm going to sleep."

"Hyung," Jimin suddenly calls after him.

"What?" Taehyung asks.

Jimin scratches his head and hesitates before speaking up, "In the dorm, are you the only one without a girlfriend?"

Taehyung looks at him for a moment and then bursts into laughter, saying, "Little detective, why are you so worried about me lately?"

Jimin seems a bit different as he responds, "I'm just curious."

"Did Mama ask you to ask me about it?" Taehyung teases.

"I'm just worried about you, okay?" Jimin whispers. "I heard from Mama that Miss Jisoo wants to set up her youngest daughter Lisa on a blind date. If you don't have a girlfriend, maybe you can go."

"..." Taehyung pauses. "Miss Jisoo's youngest daughter?"


"Isn't she forty years old?" Taehyung questions.

Jimin blinks. "So what? With your situation, you shouldn't be that picky, right?"

"..." Taehyung feels the urge to swear, but he holds back, worried that Jimin might learn it and fight him with it.

"I don't need your concern," Taehyung says angrily as he approaches Jimin. He grabs an empty bottle and pretends to hit Jimin on the head. "You know why my roommates also don't have girlfriends?"

Jimin remains silent.

"Because they're all lining up to date me," Taehyung explains. "That's why I go home to avoid it. Understand?"

Jimin looks at him and this time, he doesn't argue. He simply nods silently.

He watches as the unhappy Taehyung throws the plastic bottle into the bin and heads to his own room. Taehyung turns his head and adds,

"You know I am straight."

Jimin nods, understanding Taehyung's words. He knows that Taehyung's comment about being straight is in response to the mention of blind dates earlier.

He doesn't listen to Taehyung's other words, but he catches the one that stands out the most - "No girlfriend."

During dinner, Taehyung is enjoying his meal when suddenly he remembers something. "Oh, right, Pa. Once I finish my exams, I'm planning to move out of the campus and into the main campus. Can I borrow your car?"

Mr. Park nods, showing his support. "Do you have a lot of things to move? Should we call a moving company?"

Taehyung dismisses the idea with a lazy grin. "Nah, I'm too lazy to deal with a moving company. I just want to avoid taking the school bus."

Mr. Park suggests, "Then if you have time, you could pick up your brother after his classes are over."

Taehyung hesitates, feeling overwhelmed by his responsibilities. "I need to go to class and take care of the little kid."

Jimin interjects, asserting his independence. "I don't need him to pick me up. I'm not a child anymore."

Taehyung snorts and looks at Mr. Park. "It's better that way. By the end of the month, let me borrow your Toyota. It's much bigger. I can also help my roommates move out."

Mr. Park agrees, but with a gentle reminder. "You can have anything, but don't mistreat or bully your brother."

Jimin echoes his father's sentiment. "You can do anything, but don't bully me."

Taehyung calms himself and responds, "Okay."

As jimin realizes that he mentioned "roommates," he hesitates for a moment and asks, "Hyung, which one of your roommates do you want to help?"

Why are you asking? Taehyung asked confused.

Jimin remains calm and collected. "I just want to help you move out."

Taehyung pauses, thinking he misheard. Doubt starts to creep in. "You want to help me move out?"

Jimin confirms with a smile, "Right."

Mrs. Park chimes in, curious about the location. "The main campus? Isn't that near Chim Chim's school?"

Taehyung confirms with a simple "Yeah," implying that it's indeed close by.

Taehyung, feeling uncertain about Jimin's intention, reminds him, "You need to go to school."

Jimin corrects him, "Isn't it the weekend? I finish school around 4:20 p.m. After school, I can come over and help you, ah. Since you won't finish early either."

Taehyung insists, "But what a coincidence, I'll be done before 4:20 p.m."

He clearly refuses Jimin's help, but Jimin remains silent, looking at him.

Mr. Park interjects, trying to mediate. "Your brother just wants to help you. Why are you acting that way? He doesn't mean anything bad."

Taehyung feels helpless. "I don't mean it. But the things will be heavy, how could he move them? I just want to avoid him getting hurt. I'll be busy too, so I won't have time to take care of him."

Mr. Park suggests a compromise. "Then just let your brother watch you move."

Taehyung sighs and looks at Jimin. He reluctantly says, "Okay, up to you."

Jimin's face lights up with happiness as he receives a firm answer. He smiles and says, "Okay, then I'll come over and watch you move out."

It feels like jimin in this confusing state where he doesn't even understand why He's questioning whether Jungkook has a girlfriend and offering to help Taehyung move out, but he doesn't know why. It's like there are all these signs and clues, but he's unwilling to admit what they mean.

Maybe it's because he just misses that person so much.

Or perhaps it's his first experience with love, and he can't control his feelings.

He wants to let them out, but he's too scared, so he keeps them hidden deep in his heart, where no one can find them. It's like his own little secret that he's holding onto.

/My Secret Crush / Jikook~Where stories live. Discover now