"So, is that where the SDC competitors are gonna be hangin' out?" Grim asks.

"No." Riddle shakes his head. "The coliseum has locker rooms and facilities where the SDC entrants will be staying."

"We've got a lot of visitors from Royal Sword Academy this year." Trey adds. "We'll need to make regular rounds. Our campus is full of hotheaded guys who are quick to pick fights. When students from our rival school are around, well..."


You turn to see what looks like a group of kids looking up at some Night Raves students. The boys all wear the same jacket that you remember Che'nya wore. One with curly red hair and an orange scarf falls to the ground. You notice he has pointed ears.

"Hey, punk. You got snot all over my uniform. You're not even gonna apologize?"

The boy with the scarf stands and dusts himself off. "I said I was sorry..."

He sneezes, right onto the students.

"Ewww! He sent more snot flyin' our way!"


You see another short boy helping the other. He has short, blonde hair and glasses. He has the same pointed ears as the other. "Here, blow your nose."

Snick takes the handkerchief. "Thanks, Dominic."

The boy with glasses looks to the students. "I'm sorry about that. I'll pay the cleaning bill for your uniforms."

"You bet you will. Y'know, I was wondering what kindergarteners were doing here, but you kids are wearin' the Royal Sword Academy uniform, aren't you?"

"Who're you calling kindergarteners?" A boy with dark red hair glares at them. "I'm the great Grum, and I'd bet I'm older than you! Don't you dare go insulting dwarfs!"

One of the students takes a menacing step forward. "I was gonna let you off easy 'cause you were kids, but I guess that means I don't have to now!"

"Good grief." Trey sighs. "I didn't even have time to finish the thought out loud."

Riddle narrows his eyes. "Physical altercations on campus are a clear breach of rules. I don't need to wait for a verdict. I'll clamp down on this right now!"

Riddle marches over and takes out his pen, waving a hand. "Off with your head!"

The heart shaped collars appear on the students necks. Riddle folds his arms.

"The culture fair has barely opened its doors, and already you're picking fights? This is more disrespectful than even breaching the Queen of Hearts's rules!"

The students slump their shoulders. "Maaan! Busted by Rosehearts, of all people."

Riddle waves a hand to silence them. "This is your punishment for besmirching the dignity of Night Raven College. Keep those collars on and think about what you've done!"

The students run away. "We'll get you for this!"

Trey approaches the group of boys. "Are you guys okay? Let me apologize on behalf of our school."

Snick nods. "I-I'm good..." The boy sneezes.

Dominic nods. "Thank you for helping us."

The boy with red hair rolls his eyes. "Yeah, whatever. I coulda taken those guys with or without your help."

"Grum! Must you do this every time?" Dominic asks.

"I take it from your uniforms that you boys go to Royal Sword Academy?" Trey says.

Dominic nods. "Yes. That's right."

Grim looks at the boys up and down with a smirk. "Really? You guys are barely taller than me. Are you sure you're not way younger?"

Grum scoffs. "Are all of you this rude? We're pretty tall for dwarfs, I'll have you know."

"Come on, Grum, cut it out." Dominic looks to Riddle. "By the way, have any of you seen four other dwarfs? They're about as tall as we are. We got separated from our group on the way to our dressing room."

Riddle shakes his head. "I'm afraid not. Would you like me to have the broadcast club page them?"

Someone hums behind you. You turn to see Che'nya's floating head smiling behind you. "Looking for someone? I'm the purrfect guy to ask."

"MROOOW!" Grim hides behind your hair. "A floating severed head!"

Riddle and Trey's eyes widen. "Che'nya?"

"Oh wait, it's you!" Grim remembers. "You're that cat-talkin' weirdo we met in the Heartslabyul garden."

Che'nya chuckles as the rest of him appears. "Is he a human? Is he a cat? He's a mysterious and magical fellow. Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker! Thaaat's me!"

Snick looks to him. "Ah, Chenya! Have you seen Toby and the others?"

Che'nya hums. "If you're on the purrowl for your friends, I saw 'em go that way and round the corner."

"Thanks a bunch." Dominic nods. "If you'll excuse us, Night Raven College students!"

The Royal Sword students rush off. Trey looks to Che'nya. "You all know each other, huh, Chenya? Thanks for stepping in to help."

"Yeah, they're sophomores at my school. I know their names and faces, at least." Che'nya grins. "And I happen to be an excellent guide."

Riddle steps forward. "Nice to see you, Che'nya."

Che'nya turns his cheshire like grin to Riddle. "Hey, Riddle! How ya been? I haven't seen you since last year's unbirthday party. You never did drop by over the holidays."

"Yes." Riddle nods. "I appreciate you reaching out to me, and I apologize for neglecting to get back to you. I'm doing the same as always."

Che'nya looks to you. "And Y/N. It certainly is a pleasure to see you again."

You smile warmly. "You too, Che'nya."

Trey places a hand to Che'nya's shoulder. "Chenya, I'm afraid we're still on management committee business. Things are pretty crazy right after opening. Mind if we catch up later?"

"You guys certainly know how to stay busy. Okay, I'll get outta your hair!" Che'nya's body disappears and all that's left is his head.

"Chenya, don't use your signature spell to spook any other visitors, okay?" Riddle says.

Che'nya only chuckles. "No promises. Maybe if I'm feeling charitable." With a wink to you, he disappears completely.

Trey sighs. "Never a dull moment around here. Let's make the rounds in the east building and wrap this up, shall we?"

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