"Aru," He whispered. He lunged forward, trying to jump off but Brynne, Rudy, and Mini quickly grabbed him.

"She's gone, she's gone" is what Aiden murmured as he rocked back and forth on his heels, his knees now up to his chest.

Meanwhile, Poppy inched away, hoping that she would get out of this mess. Aiden then froze. He stood up, turning to face Poppy, who was a few feet away from the school bus.


"What about me?" Poppy replied as if she didn't know what he was talking about.

He ran up to her.

"YOU KILLED HER" He threw a punch at her.

Everyone gasped. Hira and Mini's eyes filled with tears and Rudy dropped a stack of cards(the speech that was to get Aru's approval to date Mini). Brynne closed her eyes as if in pain.

"YOU DIDN'T HELP HER" He threw another.

Everyone surged forward.

"YOU SMILED WHEN SHE FELL" He screamed as Brynne held him back.


"NO CUSSING THANK YOU MR. ACHARYA" One of the teachers yelled out. It was Mr. Octavian

Everyone-even the teachers- minus Aiden looked at said teacher. Everyone's looks said it.

Not the time

Because of the minor distraction, Brynne had eased her grip and Aiden slipped out.


"ABOUT WHAT" Poppy yelled back.


"NO, I DIDN'T! Arielle, Burton, back me up here!" Popy ordered.

But they didn't say anything.

"I SAID BACK ME UP HERE" Poppy said even more forcefully.

They still said nothing.



Mrs. Jackson stepped forward.

"OKAY why don't we check the security cameras" She proposed, wanting to calm things down.

Everyone agreed, since Aiden looked like he wanted to murder poppy. Also Mr. Benson had the police on speed dial.

"Uh security cameras? Uh no need for that." Poppy said nervously. Everyone turned to go back inside, including Poppy.

Brynne looked at Poppy, eyes empty. It must have taken all her being not to lunge but even though she didn't, someone else did. Mini. She pounced on Poppy's back, like a tiger. She pulled her head up by the hair and everyone freaked out.

"If all the evidence points to you, I'll make you feel double the pain you made Aru feel" Mini hissed.

Mini hopped off and practically sprinted into the house, frantically searching for the security room.

Everyone else followed in suit, but Aiden stayed behind. He walked back to the bus and grabbed the book. He rubbed his finger across the hardcover. He smiled remembering how Aru had reacted when he gave the book to her.



"What do you want?"

"Why do you always assume that?"

She shrugged and motioned for me to sit down next to her. It was lunch and she was sitting under a big tree.

"Anyways, i have something for you"


"You know how we couldn't celebrate your birthday after the whole thing at Brynne's house?"


"And how I had gotten you a present but it went up in flames"

"Jeez you don't have to rub it in" She laughed and punched my arm playfully.

"Anyways, I got you a new one," Aiden said, handing her a wrapped box.

It was covered in lightning bolts. She opened it and gasped.

"Aiden, you didn't"

"Yes, I did"

Inside was "Six of Crows". (plus, a bag of Swedish fish)

"Oh my gods, I've been wanting this book since forever!" Aru squealed.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Aru whispered as she hugged Aiden tightly.

Anytime Aru, he thought, hugging her back, Anything for you.


.......Uh sorry? I just felt like writing this okay don't attack me please. 

Also 1056 words?? that's the most I've ever written! 

I don't have much to say but was this good?


Aru Shah OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora