"It's okay, you did your best," Kane sighed.

He paused and then continued to talk to the two as the three of them continued to walk. "Is it true you tried to leave camp to see Indra yesterday?" Kane's questions were pointed to Octavia.

"Look, don't you have more important things to worry about than me sneaking out of camp?" She didn't want to get in trouble and Jaycee could understand that.

The three of them then come across a doorway made of dangling red strips of plastic. "As it turns out, that's why you're here. Indra signaled. She wants to meet. I'd go myself but Pike's watching everything I do now," Jaycee groaned, she really wanted to kill Pike now.

He then hands her, her sword. "You want me to go see Indra?" Octavia was confused.

"I need you to," Kane sounded like he begged for her to.

Obviously, Octavia agreed, "I'm in, but how do I get out? The gate is armed with-" Before she could finish, Kane pulls away the paneling, exposing a passageway, Octavia smiles at it.

Kane looked back at the girl, "Crawl space, door in 20 feet drop you outside the camp wall. You get out there, you find what the hell happened and you report back here. Can you do that?" Kane was serious.

Octavia stepped into the crawlspace as he answered, "I was born for this," Jaycee smiled at the little sad pun she made.

Then the P. A box spoke, "Marcus Kane and Jaycee Jordan, report to the chancellor's office. Marcus Kane and Jaycee Jordan report to the chancellor's office." The P.A. got quiet.

"Shit, Bellamy must have told Pike I'm alive, now everyone knows it too," Jaycee sighed.

"It's okay, come on," Kane said going to the door.

"Stay safe Tavia," she nodded, "You too"


Jaycee and Kane went in the direction where the chancellor's office was, Lincoln saw them and joined them, he was pissed.

Bellamy puts on his jacket and turns to walk out the door, nearly walking into Kane and Lincoln. They're pissed. Bellamy hesitates, then tries to walk past them

"He's ready for you," Bellamy said to the people he used to call friends.

Lincoln looked at him, "What the hell happened out there?" Bellamy stops and looks at Lincoln, "We did what we had to do," Bellamy then walks away again but this time Kane stops him. He pulled him back, for him to be in front of him and now Jaycee with Lincoln a couple steps back.

Kane was furious, he didn't believe that Bellamy was all for what Pike wanted to do and what he did.

"Wake up. You attacked an army that was here to help us. You murdered innocent people," He paused to look Bellamy in the eyes.

"Is that who you are now? You thought you couldn't live with yourself after Mount Weather? Well, you just started a war, that'll kill us all." Bellamy was getting upset now too, "You need to wake up, the both of you," Motioning to both Kane and Jaycee.

"And don't tell me the difference between Azgeda and Trikru," Lincoln is facing away, shifting from foot to foot and clenching and unclenching his fists. Jaycee knew that made his blood boil. But Bellamy continued, not caring. "Trikru killed 37 of my friends," He looked at Jaycee, "Our friend!" He used a low tone but still yelled. "37 of my friends before you even touched the ground," He told Kane. "We didn't start anything. They did," That was where he messed up, Lincoln looked at him with anger.


"You know what I meant," Bellamy tried to prove his point.

Lincoln shook his head, "I used to,"

The Unwanted Child {1}Where stories live. Discover now