|Chapter 3: Forbidden Door Temptation|

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[In the dimly lit confines of an unknown location]

[JK's voice reverberated with an intense fury that seemed to cast shadows even darker than the surroundings. His words sliced through the heavy air like a razor-sharp blade, each syllable dripping with vicious rage.

"Because of you, you insignificant pieces of filth! How dare you commit such an atrocity! Do you have any inkling of who I am? I am Jeon Jungkook!" His voice boomed, a thunderous proclamation of his identity.

Every word was like a crack of lightning, electrifying the atmosphere with his seething wrath. His hands trembled with pent-up fury, fingers curling into fists as he struggled to contain the tempest raging within him.

"Because of you," he seethed, his voice dropping to a menacing whisper, "I couldn't be with my wife. You despicable wretch! Now face the consequences of your actions!"

The darkness seemed to shudder in response to his words as if recoiling from the sheer force of his anger. At that moment, Jeon Jungkook was a force to be reckoned with, a tempest unleashed upon the world, ready to exact his vengeance with unrelenting ferocity.]


[Knock at the door]

Y/N: Who's this?

???: Don't you remember anything?

Y/N: Who? What? About what?

???: Hyeong-su*, please open the door for me~
[Koreans call their Older brother's wife: 형수 (hyeong-su)]

[Y/N's curiosity is piqued as they recognize the term "hyeong-su," realizing this must be a family member.]

Y/N: Oh! Wait. Are you V-?

[The figure steps forward, revealing himself to be none other than V, with his trademark boxy smile and playful demeanor.]

V: Finally! Yes, I'm V, your little cute brother-in-law, here to give you a tour of our home.

Y/N: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't recognize you.

V: No worries! Are you coming with me or not?!

Y/N: Oh, yeah sure! Let me get ready in a minute, please! I'm sorry.

V: Alright~

[As Y/N prepares, V can't contain his excitement, tapping his foot impatiently.]

V: So, Hyeong-su, what's taking you so long? I'm dying to show you around!

Y/N: Just a sec, almost ready!

[Finally, Y/N emerges, and V's eyes light up.]

V: There you are! Ready to embark on this epic tour?

Y/N: Absolutely! Lead the way, V!

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