DLC Part 1: Poisonous Prom

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Emery's Perspective

Prom. The day where love is meant to blossom. Maybe even have your first go at the 69. But as you know my reputation by now, I'm assuming you know what I was doing whilst waiting for Holden. Quietly sitting, without disturbance. The song then magically shifts into Perfect by Ed Sheeran and all I could pray for is the 9 people that don't know this song. That is, until Holden walked in. Suit and tie, honestly looking better than the entire idea of just going to bed. And I can't lie but saying I don't like him a little is overrated. But only a little! So we started dancing.

Chuuya's Perspective

Me and Daniel decided to take a stroll through the dance floor as prom isn't really our thing. I mean we didn't even suit normal parties. On our way round, we witnessed some spectacular sites; Riley and Victor hitting a boogie, Kieran and Keane playing some random drinking game and Emery and Holden doing some weird ass ballroom style dance. I mean Jesus Christ. Universally, most might think they're dating or something. Anyway, there was only one thing off about this prom. There seemed to be a lack of ginger/blonde tall people (Clement). I thought he'd never miss out on an opportunity like this. I mean its the end of the school year, what else could he be doing?


Part 2 of the DLC is located within this Part 1 however it is hidden within the text above. Have fun finding it and good luck!

No Homo - True Love's Horrorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें