Chapter 12 - Chaotic Guessing

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Chuuya's Perspective

We are getting close to figuring out who The Watcher is, I can feel it. I just think we're missing a singular piece of evidence. A piece of evidence that will disprove everyone aside from one man or woman. We've got it down to 2 suspects but I've realised something recently. Me and Daniel always thought it had to be someone with a motive but no. It just has to be someone who is usually picked up late. Maybe someone who would have had a club or someone the teachers needed to speak to. Wait, someone who the teacher needs to speak to. I need to find Daniel. I know who The Watcher is!

Josh's Perspective

I've recently had my first gang show rehearsal and it was fucking awesome. I mean it was me, Clement and Tyler or Sylvie now. And we were having the best time of our entire lives. We got to see Sylvie doing a silly Kings & Queens act, Clement singing Somebody's Watching Me and finally me as the star of the show (obviously) singing Blue Moon. The only way it could have been better was if Holden was there. That would have been so fun that way. To be honest, I also kinda wish Top Gun wasn't a thing but oh well. It was and it was definitely not the best act decision. Can't wait for next week!

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