Chapter 18 Part 2 - Lighter Darkness

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The Watcher's Perspective

So I'm assuming the cats been let out of the bag. The vigilante has emerged from the darkness. And there I stood defenceless my best bet being to flee. So do you know who I am or do I have to reveal it for the world to see? I'm going to assume it's the latter. The Perspective will change yet it'll be the same person in




Holden's Perspective

And here I am. Holden Sloan. Now something you may be asking is why? And for a little suprise, I'll tell you. It all started with Chuuya. June 23rd in Science. I watched them go up to Adyn and talk. But not just talk. I could tell by their facial expressions. They were flirting. So after that, I confronted them and you know what happened? They said "Go away, I'm busy talking to Adyn." Like friends are meant to communicate to each other, maybe even tell them if they have a fucking crush. And after that, all because my best friend Charlie started to date Alex, Riley stopped talking to us and even when they broke up he still hasn't messaged since then. So I cracked and decided to ensure I ruined Chuuya's life. So you know what screw you. All of you.

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