Chapter 13 - Miles Isn't Far

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Victor's Perspective

I was sat thinking for a while and I thought I should get back with Riley. I mean he didn't really do anything specifically wrong, all he did was something that I probably just overreacted to. Plus, it's not like he moved on. So I'm going to go ask him out again, this time in front of everyone so there's no reason I have to worry about protecting him. It's just me and him against the world if it has to be. Even when he's on his deathbed, I'll be there waiting for him. I'll climb all the way to heaven for that one man if I have to.

Emery's Perspective

That little fucking rat. Victor asked Riley in the canteen to get back together and guess what, that fucking bitch said yes. I though me and him finally had something but I guess not. He has to flee back to his little saviour. "Oh Victor, please save me from the big bad Emery." Like honestly such a bitch. He probably doesn't even realise that losing your virginity to someone is even a big deal. Anyway, I'm going to get payback and make sure his life gets pulled down the drain. No matter what, even if I have to team up with those Ginger retards.

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