Chapter 20 Part 1 - Angelic Alliance

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Riley's Perspective

And I guess we'll end this chapter of our lives with how it started, me. Since you've last seen or heard from me alot had happened. Let's start with the happiest moment of my life to date. Victor asked me out to Year 11 prom, using the back of people's shirts to spell 'Will you go to prom with me?' It was actually so smart. And of course I said yes because I just had to! So I can't wait for that. Oh and my friend group has officially expanded. Basically, Josh told us that Daniel and Chuuya killed James Clarke and since he told us that we told him not to tell anyone. That's when we made a little alliance with Josh, Daniel and Chuuya to work together. It was so fun and I can't believe it's so close to the end of the school year we decided this because they're unironically so funny.  Well I'm assuming this is the last time we're going to speak until prom so can't wait to see you on the dance floor. Bye!

"Who are you talking to?" Victor said.
"I'm not really sure to be honest." I replied. Who was I talking to?

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