Someone actually asked me this to which I defiantly replied with a "why not?" and proceeded to dump my soda on the brunette's head.

Okay, so maybe the last bit didn't actually happen, but I definitely flipped her the bird, ever so gracefully.

I get why people would ask such questions, though. Frankly, I find it hard to answer them myself. Seth Clifford is this gorgeous boy with perfect blonde hair and the most breathtaking blue eyes. Meanwhile I'm here with my frizzy dark brown hair, boring brown eyes and overall okay-ness. It just didn't make sense, but I didn't let that bother me. I was more than happy to be with him.

Speaking of Seth, from the amount of times that I've heard his name, one would think I spent all day with him. In reality, I hardly saw him. We only briefly hung out during lunch before he left, claiming he had detention with Mrs. Morrison.

I let it go.

Besides, Jaspar was keeping me from thinking too hard about my boyfriend.

I met him and Sophia at her car, as the latter was yelling at the poor boy. Tommy was there, too, standing a little awkwardly at the side, looking a bit scared.

"What's going on?" I nudged him on the shoulder.

"Uh..." he scratched the back of his neck, nervously.

Before he could say much else, Sophia spun around, her own long blonde hair flying wildly. "I'll tell you what's going on!" her blue eyes were wide and full of anger. "This little shit here wants to go steal more fucking money!"

Jaspar's hazel eyes were narrowed, his dark hair looking even messier as he ran his fingers through it. When he saw me frowning at him, he scoffed. "What? I'll be fine! I'll go on my own. I don't care what you guys say, pardon me for asking."

He turned on his heel and started to walk away. He didn't get very far before I grabbed the back of his black jacket. Sort of like how I did all those weeks ago.

"Hold on, Jas. Are you serious? You just got out of the hospital a few days ago."

"Exactly! A few days ago! I've healed! I don't need you two to babysit me!" he started walking away again.

I turned to my best friend who still looked angry. "C'mon we can't let him go alone."

She let out a long breath, her forehead smoothing over from all the worry lines she previously wore. "I know."

Sitting in the backseat of Soph's Challenger (Jas called shotgun), I let myself think about the situation we were in: Tommy was next to me, and we couldn't let him come with us to wherever we were going. Hell, we were a trio, not a quartet.

"Why can't I come along?" Tommy whined as we stopped in front of the Robinson residence.

"Because this is top secret, Tom-Tom, and you can't breathe a word about it to a soul, got it?" Sophia didn't even look back at her brother when she said this. She was probably still angry about this whole ordeal. "Now get the fuck out of my car."

Tommy was clearly upset but I didn't say anything. I offered him a smile instead.

Jaspar on the other hand, rolled down his window and stuck his head out. "I still love you Tums!" he blew a few kisses and waved flirtatiously.

"Fuck off."

As we got back on the road, Sophia finally decided to talk to Jaspar since we pulled out from the school.

"So where are we going? What are we doing this for? Am I going to be the get-away driver again?"

"Soph, chill." Jaspar put a hand on her shoulder but regretted it when he saw the look on her face. "We're not taking money, actually."

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