7- Stay Away From Maadhavi

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Harsh's POV:

'Yes, all arrangements are done. Tonight. Outskirts of the forest.' he replied

'Good, let's finish our tasks here in the temple first.' nodding at him we both turned to complete our tasks assigned to us by the temple priest.

All the temples in Suryambhah provided facilities of free food and shelter to those who were travelers. In return no fees are taken from them instead people are asked to volunteer for public services like cleaning, preparing Maha Prasad, serving food, making garlands, fetching water from the nearby rivers or lakes, etc. That way the temples of Suryambhah worked as an independently functioning body working for the people and by the people. Temples earned their finances from the donations people made and some amount of annual help provided by the royal treasures. Temples were an important ground of not only worship but also education for the young generation with Gurukuls running inside the premises. For our stay in the village, we decide to stay in the Nagore temple famous for its Shivalinga. Like many others, Suhel & and I were assigned some chores for the upcoming festival. It was only a few days after and a lot of work was pending hence the head priest started looking into the arrangements himself and we could not risk our absence being noticed by anyone, so we waited for everyone to sleep and quietly walked out of our shared rooms, carefully climbing over the wall we moved with quick steps towards the forest.

When we reach a familiar spot in the forest, we see three horses tied to a tree, and behind them is a small hut with a lantern hanging at its gate. One of our men who came with us decided to stay here in the outskirts to take care of our horses and work as a messenger with the Royal Palace in case of an emergency.

The three of us mounted our horses and started riding to the extreme outskirts of the forest.

When we reached, we saw a group of man with swords in their hands standing in a circle, and in the midst, there was a loaded-up sack on the ground that was wiggling.

I unmount my horse and move straight ahead when one of the men notices me and steps forward to untie it revealing a head popping out first and then an entire man wiggling himself out of the sack. With his limbs and mouth tied, he struggled to stand and collapsed on his knees. As soon as the cloth around his mouth was untied a series of curses came out.

'Bastard, son of a bitch, you dickhead, untie my hands and I'll tell you who the fuck here is the boss. You brotherfucker, stabbing a person behind his back, you cocksuuuuu......'

'Dobara milkar achha laga Bhanu' Smiling at him I waited for him to look at me.

'YOU BASTARD.....' were the words that left his mouth the moment he recognized me but before he could say any further his neck was surrounded by swords.

Suhel steps in front of me in his protective instincts. I place a hand on his shoulders signaling him to stand down, as I notice the anger in Bhanu's eyes I step ahead looking at the wounds covering his face and body.

'These wounds do not even justify the pain you have caused to this village still I believe you can be given a second chance to prove your worth for this kingdom'

Listening to me he chuckled and spatted 'Who do you think you are to give me a chance?? The King?? Huhh?'

Everyone present there started laughing except me making him amused with the ongoing.

'let's say I AM the King. Will you be proving your worth then? For this kingdom? For our motherland' I asked him opening my arms in the air.

The change in his expression indicated the fear dawning upon him 'Who are you?' Bhanu asked coming straight to the point.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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