5- The Childhood Friend

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Hi Dear Reader,

My head was hurting real bad while writing this update today so, please vote if you like the chapter. It might help me feel a bit better. And do share your feedbacks in the comment section, I love reading those.

!!Happy Reading!!

'Don't you dare you pull up a stunt like that again and STAY AWAY from me.'

I said threateningly pointing my finger at him and stormed off from there.

I rushed out of that place finding my siblings still busy shopping.

'lets go!!' I tell them in a calm tone hiding my panic underneath.

'Wait, I am still looking for the right fabric' Damini said feeling the fabric that the shopkeeper was showing them.

'We can come later' I said turning my younger siblings trying to rush them out of the market. I could see Damini sensed my panic and so she cooperated and left the market with us.

Damini is not just my baby sister but also a dear friend, she is the closest to me in our family and so she understands me well. I have always looked upto her for her calmness and grounded yet playful nature. She has covered for me so many times and got scolded from Maiya for my mistakes. I am blessed to have her by my side.

It was late night, everyone was fast asleep while I was again struggling to sleep, I kept tossing and turning in my place. Damini did not question me about what happened earlier and I am happy she didn't, else how I'll be able to explain her something like that.

I was lying on my left side when my sight fell on the moon peeping through the window. It's illuminance was decreasing before the upcoming Sawan Shivratri but it looked beautiful as ever standing proudly enjoying the dance of stars around it. A smile formed on my lips praising its beauty. So, quiet yet such power that no one dare take their eyes off once they see it.

'Where is he?' I questioned the majestic moon

'My soulmate, my beloved, my companion? hmm?'

'Is he also looking at you?'

'Have you even made anyone for me?' i thought while turning on my stomach and resting my chin on my hands.

'Does he long to meet me?' I questioned the moon like I did on every other sleepless night.

'Wherever he is, just let him know I am waiting' I rested my head on the pillow and fell asleep thinking about who will be the one made for me. Next morning I woke up to a voice 'You might just attract their attention now'

I abruptly opened my eyes looking at Damini speaking to me.

She was drying her washed hair with a cotton cloth.

'what are you saying' I sat up supporting myself with elbows and rubbing my eyes

'you kept saying 'sin' again and again in sleep, its good that Arjun and Lakshmi are out playing else you're dream talk would have become the house talk' she said teasing me.

'umm....nothing, nothing, might have been a bad dream' I said trying to dismiss her questions.

'you sure, you didn't sound okay yesterday in the market also. Jiji, you can share anything with me you know that.' She asked me with a concern. For a moment I thought of telling her everything but thought I better share this with Kalavati first.

'I know my lil sister, but nothing happened. It might have been a bad dream and yesterday I was just frustrated with not being able to find anything suitable so I asked all of us to return. Don't worry I am fine.' I made an excuse to get away but deep down I knew its the guilt from yesterday that was eating me from inside so I needed to share this with Kalavati before I get in any trouble.

MAADHAVI - A Love Saga Painted With Her Kohl EyesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang