3 - Her Kohl Eyes

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Adjusting the shawl over her head she turned around to check if anyone noticed her.

Maadhavi walked briskly making sure people in the market do not notice her. She turns and reaches a lane but before stepping in she quickly checks on her left and right again. Her heart is beating loudly as she walking down this abandoned lane. An emptiness surrounded this place as all the shops are shut. The shops are old, broken and damaged. There is not a single soul to be seen as far as one could see.

It was a narrow lane with abandoned shops on both sides. All the shops were made on a raised platform shorter than ones knees which was built to avoid rain water from getting inside. These shops were not made of mud unlike other houses in the village rather they were made of stones with a shelter extended from the front door. The roof of these shelters were made of straws standing on wooden logs used as pillars.

She walked briskly to cross the lane as quickly as possible. The eerie silence surrounding the air was scaring her soul.

Suddenly she hears a whistling sound, making her halt in her footsteps and a shiver ran down her spine.

Have I been caught?? Her mind spoke to her

'Trying to escape my eyes??'

'This voice sounds familiar' she thinned her eyebrows while trying to identify the owner of the voice.

Turning slowly she gulped on her parched throat and spoke under her breath, as she saw a familiar face 'Bhanu!!!'

Her eyes widened with shock seeing the man standing in front but she gathered some courage and spat 'Of course, who would want to get their path crossed by you'.

Bhanu smirked feeling proud of finding his prey even though she tried escaping so hard.

Watching him smirk, she spoke questioning his morality

'You won't ever behave yourself, right Bhanu?'

Her eyes behind her black veil looked at Bhanu with disgust. 'This man will never change his ways, 2 years ago he was expelled from village harassing women of all ages. Staying away from family has clearly taught him nothing. He is back to his old ways, what a pervert. It's because of him, girls can't walk around their own village freely. No punishment can straighten a dog's tail after all.' she reminded herself how much of a pervert this guy is.

She again adjusted the shawl around her upper body making sure, it does not come falling off specially in front of this guy.

'You already know me so well, so you would know the answer too.' Bhanu replied with an evil smirk while playing with a pebble in his hand throwing it up repeatedly.

'If you didn't correct your manners, I'll complain to the Gram Pradhan (Village head) and this time you'll be expelled forever, I'll make sure of that'.

Maadhavi threatened him, listening to which Bhanu's friend who were sitting under the shed of one of the shops started laughing.

Bhanu also smirked dismissing her threats and started taking predatory steps towards her.

Seeing Bhanu heading towards her with that evil look in his eyes, she swallowed the gulp forming in her throat and unknowingly her feet started moving backwards in efforts of trying to maintain a distance from him.

MAADHAVI - A Love Saga Painted With Her Kohl EyesWhere stories live. Discover now