6- Harsh

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Hi Dear Reader!!

I am a lover of history and do not like tampering with facts even if it is used in a fictional story, hence the concept of 'Ardhnarishwar' was a bit difficult for me to explain in this chapter, still I have tried my best to justify it in a concise way. I might have taken some liberty to direct the explanation in a way that would serve the purpose of this story. The concept of 'Ardhnarishwar' can symbolise  many different meanings depending upon what you derive from it. If you are interested to dig deeper into this concept  please check online and not consider this story's explanation as the entire truth.


!Happy Reading!

Harsh's POV:

With the voice reaching our ears, we both turned our heads to look at a man standing at the foot of the staircase. He was wearing a white dhoti (a long loincloth worn as a garment by Indian men) and had a white shawl wrapped around his shoulders. He was bald headed except for that hair tuft at the crown of his head that was tied in a knot symbolising him to be a Brahmin(A caste in Hindu society consisting mostly of intellects and priests).

'Om Namah Shivay!' He spoke with his hands up in the air and walked up the stairs. 'In other words Ardhnarishwar is that half-male & female form of Lord Shiva where he merged himself with his consort Mata Parvati (Mother/Goddess Parvati) symbolising that all men represent the masculine half and all females represent the feminine half. When these two halves combine together as one energy, a life giving force is created and that's the power of Ardhnarishwar.'

He smiled and looked at me 'I am happy to see a young man like you aware of Shlokas (a Sanskrit word referring to a verse from religious scriptures) from 'Shivapurana'. People need to keep their religious knowledge revived at all times'.

Raising his right palm over my head he blessed me with the saying 'Live a long life' and I folded my palms bowing down in respect while noticing his withdrawing figure that walked up into the inner sanctum of the temple. I wondered if he was new here?

'Might be one of the travellers who came here for the festival' I was busy with my own thoughts when I turned to look at a pair of questioning eyes gazing directly at me.

'Your friend said that? all of that? about ........women?' she asked in a skeptical tone.

'Who said so? I said all of that I said and I said that about everyone. Well, If you see then Ardhnarishwar is also an example of two bodies and one soul'

'what???' she looked me with scrunched eyebrows and an open mouth as if she wanted to say more but couldn't decide how to frame her words.

'What?' I questioned back with a clueless face not understanding her question.

'Nothing' she nodded her head sideways and started walking downstairs

'I don't agree with Suhel's opinion either!!!' I announced loudly and started taking steps down the stairs towards her. 'I don't agree that women put men in trouble, rather it's a woman for whom men are willing to face any troubles' I shared my views while stopping by her side and whispered closely in her ear 'and such is the power a woman holds!'

She turned to look at me, making me notice how those frustrated eyes have turned quiet now.

'Light and dark, good and bad, strong and weak, all these exist together, you know why?' I questioned her politely and took a step forward while answering 'BECAUSE THEY BALANCE EACH OTHER!'

She blinked and turned her gaze low.

'Same way when there is Shiv, there is Shakti(another name for Parvati) and when there is a man there is a woman. We are here to balance each other, that is what the GOD has decided. A woman gives us strength, courage, power and support to deal with any troubles of life, that is how you balance us. Then, how do I believe someone who says woman put men in trouble.' I admitted my views to her sincerely. Seeing how serious the dialogue had turned I immediately turned my face to a side and spoke

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