4- Its a Sin

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After dropping the two traders at Vaidya Ji's place I came back home, and it was late evening already.

*(Vaidya is an ayurvedic medicine practitioner)

My mother walked out of the hut and asked me worried 'Maadhavi, What took you so long? Did you get the jaggery I asked for?'

'Yes Maiya, here it is.' We call our mother as Maiya like Lord Krishna called his mother. We have left Mathura but Mathura hasn't left us at all.

'Then go quickly, and give it to Damini, also check if she needs any help with the dinner.'

'yes' I nodded

'and get the dinner ready quickly, your brother would be home soon and he would ask for dinner the first thing he enters.'

'okay' I replied to her and walked towards the Kitchen where Damini was preparing dinner for all of us. She is the fourth sibling after me. Even though she is younger than me, she still is a much better cook than all of us, even mother says that she has the blessings of 'Maa Annapurna' on her.

*(Maa Annapurna is a Hindu Goddess who is the giver of food and nourishment

She is sitting in kitchen in front of the Chulha (A traditional Indian earthen stove). Our kitchen is a small one with mud walls covering from three sides, an open roof and since it's set in the courtyard we feel like cooking under the sky, and I enjoy it very much, it feels so refreshing than those closed roof kitchens that rich people in our village have, especially when the smoke starts getting in your eyes and lungs, it's such a relief.

'I've got your Jaggery, so what are we using this for?' I asked Damini who was blowing air on the burning woods to increase the flames. She kept the hollow metal pipe aside that she just used to blow air, and said 'kheer' (Indian milk dessert).

'Bhaiya said he wants to eat Kheer today' she added

'Oh!!! Jaggery Kheer!!! I love that , great! Tell me what should I do?' I love eating Kheer ever since I was a kid and that's only thing I cook perfectly, also because its my favorite.

'Yes, please chop these chillies'

I nodded in response and started doing my assigned task.

'Jiji' Damini spoke trying to get my attention, 

all my younger siblings call me Jiji just like I call my elder sister 'Jiji'. Its a way of referring to elder sisters in our culture.

I hummed acknowledging that I am listening.

'Are you seeing someone??' she questioned all of a sudden making my head turn towards her.

'ssshhhhhh, watch what you say.............you know mother's very strict about these things. And where do you get such questions from?, Who taught you all this?' I lashed out at her trying to make sure no one heard us.

She caressed my shoulder 'Calm down Jiji, I was just kidding, you took so long to come back from the market. So, I thought mmmaaaayyyybeeee......' she said teasingly

'its nothing like that........Actually Bhanu caught me while on my way back, it's all thanks to Krishna ji that he sent a savior right on time' I informed her about what really happened.

'huhhhh!! savior!! was he handsome??' she jumped with excitement

I slapped a little hard on her head listening to how outspoken this girl is growing. Our mother is very strict about her kids being well-cultured and well-mannered especially in case of girls. When we, women of the house sit during nights to spend some time together she would often speak in her warning tone                                                                                                                                                'I know after your father gone, you all have to help your brother run this business and there is always a crowd of outsiders, mostly men at our house. I am always worried about keeping you safe from their evil eyes. But I can't be always there, so remind yourself to maintain that dignity. You are the honor of this house and pride of your brother. Never let us down. Remember, be it any sort of relationship, just a friend or more than that, having any feelings of attraction for the other gender before marriage is a Sin. A sin that could not be forgiven. Don't let your heart push you down the pit. Control your flutters if it ever rises, God is always watching us.'  

MAADHAVI - A Love Saga Painted With Her Kohl EyesWhere stories live. Discover now